Chapter 18

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Eren sighed as he walked into his house, running his fingers over bullet holes in the wall. Right now he wasn't so concerned about the wall, his concern was for his husband. He stopped in the door way of the living room and looked in. At first glance it seemed empty but Eren had seen Levi enter the room he currently sat in through the window when he was outside talking to a police officer. Levi was curled on the couch facing away from the entrance to the living room, the back of the couch blocking him from anyone's view. Eren walked over to him, kneeling down beside his head as he gently ran his fingers through Levi's hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Levi merely shrugged, his eyes a void of emotions as he stared at the wall ahead of him. "I couldn't save her Eren."

"There was nothing anyone could do to save her, Levi. Not you, not me, not anyone honey. The paramedic's said it tore her main artery near her heart so she died fairly quickly but you knew that..." Eren trailed off, falling silent.

The silence between began to grow thick and heavy, weighing down on them, suffocating them as if it was choking Eren of all his words he wanted or needed to say.

"She never suffered Levi." Eren said softly, gently brushing Levi's hair aside. "They don't think she felt any pain."

"You promise she didn't suffer, Eren?" Levi asked quietly, silver eyes locking with green, tears reflecting in both male's eyes like someone was holding a mirror in front of them.

"I promise sweetheart." He whispered.

Levi's tears slowly began to slide down his face, creating little rivulets as Eren pulled Levi into his arms, the pair wrapping their arms around each other as they gripped on tightly. Eren gently rubbed Levi's back, one hand holding his head against his chest whilst the ravenette cried, his small sobs wrenching on Eren's heart strings as the brunette began to silently cry, tears falling onto Levi's shirt.

"I'm so sorry Levi, I really am." He whispered, hugging his husband closer. "I promise you sweetie, that it will be okay. Maybe not now but you will slowly be okay. Right now you are mourning her loss but one day you'll be celebrating her life."

Levi nodded, clinging to Eren. "Why her? This was between us and him so why did he involve Isabel? Why?" He wailed.

"In his eyes you took away the one thing he loved most. Even though you never knew Michael until recently in his eyes you took me away from him to anger him. So, he believed he had to get equal with you and took away someone who meant a lot to you. It didn't matter what we did, Levi, he would have killed someone else." Eren said softly.

"So why not come after me? Why didn't he go for the baby if he wanted to hurt me? Why did he have to kill Isabel?" Levi whispered.

"Because killing the baby would not only have destroyed you but me as well." Eren answered. "He wanted to make you felt the devastation he believed you caused him. You were closer to Isabel than I was so he knew you'd be more affected than me."

Levi closed his eyes, burying his face in Eren's neck as Erwin walked in, Farlan, Jean and Bertholdt following him in. Eren looked up at them, not even bothering to wipe away his tears.

"We're heading to the station to tell the others." Erwin said softly. "Will you two be coming?" He asked softly.

Eren nodded, gently sitting Levi up. "Come on."

Levi slowly stood up, his head bowed as they left the room and headed out to the cars. Levi glanced over to the grass where a bright red patch lay. Blood, Isabel's blood. He quickly looked away as Farlan opened his door for him, getting in and buckling up. Eren slid into the driver's side whilst Farlan took the back, Erwin, Bertholdt and Jean taking the car they arrived in. The ride in both cars was silent, no one speaking or even attempting to make conversation as they made their way to the police station. Erwin had called Mike and ordered him to get everyone to the station within their family, those that worked there and those that didn't. He kept his voice calm, informing Mike that he had some news for them all. Mike was none the wiser to how bad this news was.

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