Chapter 13.

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"Stay the fuck away from me!" Levi screamed, groaning in pain, eyes narrowed in anger at Grisha.
"Levi, you're in labour and I'm your doctor so I'm afraid I shan't be staying away. I have to deliver this little one after all."
Levi groaned, panting as wave after wave of pain washed over his body. He was a mess and it was all because of Grisha wanting the baby out early. He had Black Mask pin Levi down whilst he induced him into labour, telling him that the contractions would soon start. And they did. Now five hours later the child was ready to make it's way into the world. Levi didn't want his child to be born early, he didn't want them to be born without Eren being there. This was their child, their first child.
"Fuck off! I don't give a shit if I'm in labour you are not delivering my fucking baby!" Levi screamed at him. He cried out in pain when a stronger contraction hit, another following shortly after.
Grisha dabbed Levi's sweaty forehead with a wet cloth, brushing his damp hair off his forehead. "I'm sorry Levi but you have no choice."
Levi let out a pained whine as he felt the baby move, Grisha sat him up in the correct position, smiling at him cruelly.
"I hope you're ready to say goodbye because once the child is born you'll never see it again." He said, pushing Levi's legs up.
"No! Leave me alone! Eren! Where are you?! You promised you'd never let this happen again, you'd never let Black Mask harm me again!" Levi screamed when a contraction stronger than the previous ones hit.
Levi bolted up from where he sat in the bed, panting as he tried to get his erratic breathing under control. It was just a dream, I'm okay, the baby's okay, it was just a stupid dream, he told himself as he calmed down.
Levi leaned back against the headboard, sighing softly. He had to get out, he had to escape and in the two weeks Levi had been held here against his will he'd come up with a plan. He had waited for this night since being here and had planned every detail out to make sure there was no possible way he would get caught.
Every night for the past two weeks, Levi had slowly been loosening the rope that bound his wrists to the headboard and now they were loose enough that he could slip his hands free. He quickly but quietly slid out of the bed, not even bothering to look for his skinnies or converse because he'd seen Black Mask burn them. He made his way over to the window, quietly opening it. He was lucky the room he was in was on the first floor so there was no risk of hurting the baby. He quickly jumped out and shut the window once again before running away from the cabin as fast as he could manage. He ran and ran before the lights of Maria came into his view. Just get into Maria and get somewhere safe! As he was about to run down he heard the unmistakable voice of Grisha.
"The little bastards escaped! Find him!"
Levi felt himself panic as he released a small whimper, running down towards the town. Okay, I'm on the west hills of Maria so that means..
A gun shot suddenly sounded, making Levi jump in fright. He slapped his hand over his mouth to keep from crying out. That's how they're trying to find me. A torch light shone in Levi's direction, scanning the area. The small male dropped to the ground quickly just as the light would have hit him.
"You take the east side! I'll take the west! He's bound to be heading for the town!" He heard Black Mask yell.
Levi quickly jumped back up, running for dear life. He had to get to safety, he had to but his and Eren's house was twenty minutes from the west side of the hills and that was by walking. It would take ten minutes by car and in that time Black Mask and Grisha could have caught him. He ran down and out of the forest and onto a street. He looked around, trying to see where he was when he see the street sign for Gorge Avenue. Auruo and Petra live here at number 90! He ran down the street, going up the numbers as he soon found 90. He ran over, knocking on the door urgently. A light flicked on and the door was opened, Levi quickly shot inside and slammed the door shut, turning the light off so as not to raise suspicion.
"Levi?" Auruo whispered, lowering his gun.
Levi slid down the door, pulling his knees up to his chest as he cried. He was safe.
"Hey, it's okay, oh my god you're okay. Petra! It's Levi!" He yelled, pulling the smaller male into his arms.
Petra practically flew down the stairs and pulled Levi close. "Levi, oh god you're alive! You're alive!" She sobbed.
"I'll call Eren." Auruo said, standing up.
"No! Don't call Eren!" Levi said, looking up at him.
"Why? Levi what happened?" Petra asked, noticing he only wore a shirt and boxers. "You're freezing. Let's get you upstairs and warmed up."
With the help of Auruo and Petra they got Levi upstairs and away from the windows. "He should have a bath to warm up and get clean." Auruo said.
"Before we run you a bath did Black Mask do anything to you that may have left evidence behind?" She asked, fearing he'd say yes.
"No." Petra sighed in relief. "They didn't anything of the sort. No sexual assault or rape."
"They?" Auruo asked as he ran a bath.
"Black Mask and Grisha Jaeger." Levi answered as he stood shaking.
"Eren's father?" Petra gasped.
"Which is why you can't call Eren or anyone. Black Mask and Grisha are out looking for me as we speak." Levi explained.
"Here, you get in the bath and I'll go get you some clean clothes. Petra will stay with you." Auruo said.
Petra helped Levi into the bath, leaving him in the clothes he wore to protect his dignity. Petra poured water over his head and body before starting on washing his hair.
"We've been so worried about you sweetheart. Eren's been dreading every phone call that comes in about an unidentified body, panicking it may have been you." She said, lathering shampoo into his hair. "Every day we've been treading on egg shells, thinking that Black Mask may be watching and we were trying not to do things that could anger him."
She grabbed the shower head, turning the water on and gently washing the shampoo out. Auruo walked back in with some clean clothes for Levi, placing them in the sink along with a towel.
"I'll leave you to wash your body and then once your dried and dressed I'll clean your wrists because those marks look sore and then you can go to bed." Petra said.
"Thank you." Levi said softly.
The couple left and Levi was able to wash in peace. He stripped of his shirt and boxers, wringing them out of the water and placing them on the radiator before cleaning his body. Once he was satisfied he was clean he got out of the bath and pulled the plug, watching the filthy water wash away. The bath was now filthy so Levi quickly dried and dressed himself before washing the dirt away from within the tub until it looked clean. He grabbed his dirty clothes and walked out with them to Auruo and Petra.
"Here, I'll put your clothes and towel in the wash." Petra said as she took them from him. Auruo gave Levi a smile. "Come on, let's get you into bed."
"Bed?" Levi answered.
"You'll be sleeping in our bed tonight whilst Auruo and I keep watch incase those bastards come looking this way." Petra said as she returned.
"But you need to sleep also." Levi said softly.
"We'll take it in turns each hour to watch over you." Auruo answered. "I'm taking first watch whilst Petra rests. So come on, bed."
Levi decided it would be better to not argue and simply got into bed, laying down. Petra joined him, pulling him close and holding him protectively as she ran her fingers through his hair. "It's going to be okay, Levi. You're safe with us."
Levi nodded, resting his head under her chin as he began to doze off. "I'm safe." He whispered as Petra smiled.
"You're safe."
Morning came and Auruo and Petra were the first people to arrive at the station, even Erwin wasn't there yet. They'd taken Levi to one of the private waiting rooms where he was shielded from view. Auruo had gone out just as the shops opened and managed to get Levi some clothes that fit; a pair of black skinnies, some converse and a long sleeved black top. They decided to wait till the station was busy with working officers and everyone from their team was in before bringing Levi out. It would be safer for him.
Auruo quickly walked into the board, finding everyone in their, even those who weren't officers like Marco and Armin were here to help. That meant the family was here. Levi was definitely safe.
"Auruo? What are you doing here without Petra?" Erwin asked.
"Is everyone here?" Auruo asked, ignoring the question.
"Yeah, why?" Bertholdt asked him.
"Thank fuck!" He quickly left and ran to the room Levi was in. "Everyone's here. Let's bring him in."
Petra nodded and Levi stood with her, walking to the board room. "Auruo what the hell did you mean by that?" Jean asked.
Auruo stepped aside and Petra walked in with Levi, the small male scanning the room until his eyes landed on Eren. He bolted over to his husband, immediately running into his arms.
"Levi! Oh my god but how? Oh sweetheart I was so worried." Eren sobbed, holding his husband close.
"He escaped from where he was being held and managed to get to our house without being caught but Eren.. there's something you should know. It wasn't just Black Mask that took Levi but--" Auruo was suddenly cut off by none other than Grisha Jaeger.
"Eren? It is you. Son, I've been looking everywhere for you since I heard about what happened to Levi." He said, smiling at Eren.
Eren gave a happy smile back. "Thanks dad but Levi's fine. He's safe and alive and that's all that matters."
Everyone within the room, except for Auruo, Petra and Levi, were unaware that Grisha was the other abductor along with Black Mask. Petra whipped her head round when she see Grisha, her eyes narrowing in anger.
"You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" She screamed. Auruo grabbed her, struggling to hold his wife back as she attempted to get at Grisha. "Let me at him! I'll knock his fucking block off! I'm not afraid to get his blood on my hands!"
"Eren, I'll come by and see you later. Petra quite clearly doesn't like me." With that Grisha left, heading out to a waiting car.
"You know my father?" Eren asked Petra once the struggling woman had stilled.
"No! What makes you think I know him?" She spat.
"Well, he said your name and I've never mentioned of you guys to him before, only Levi." Eren said, frowning.
"Eren, your father held me captive along with Black Mask." Levi told him, voice shaking as he began to tremble.
"What? Levi, honey, you must be mistaken. My father wouldn't-"
"It was your father!" Levi snapped, tears streaming down his face. "I know who held me captive, who's been threatening my life!"
"Okay, okay. It's okay." Eren pulled Levi close, gently rocking him.
"Eren, it's true. Grisha and Black Mask walked down our street when Levi managed to escape. They were looking for him." Auruo said as he began to calm Petra down, his wife crying into his chest.
Eren sighed, holding Levi close. "It's going to be okay, this time I promise Levi, I promise they won't get you."
"Can you keep that promise, Eren?" Levi asked.
"This time I will."
Around 8pm Eren and Levi were having dinner whilst Eren finished explaining the plan they'd come up with to capture Black Mask and Grisha.
"So, we just have to act like everything's normal again?" Levi questioned.
Eren nodded. "The house on our left and the house on our right have our team in with surveillance watching the area whilst the house opposite has police ready and waiting. They're not getting you this time."
Once Levi had explained everything that had happened to him in the past two weeks and what Grisha had planned to do his team were furious, Eren and Mikasa beyond furious. The man who had been there father had tried to harm their husband and brother-in-law. The team had quickly devised a plan, knowing Grisha and Black Mask wouldn't wait long to get Levi back.
"I hope you're right." Levi said, sighing.
"Levi, I will give my life for you if it means you can get away in time. Right now you're life is more important than mine. You're protecting yourself and our child."
Levi placed his hand over Eren's. "But you are too Eren. You're protecting us both by doing what you've done to help capture-"
A loud bang cut Levi off, the lights in their house suddenly turning off, plunging the house into darkness. Levi began to panic when they heard voices enter through the back door. Eren looked to his husband and made a shushing motion.
"Probably a power cut. You go upstairs and get the torch, I'll go see if anyone else on the street has lost power." Eren said.
"Okay." Levi said, forcing the trembling in his voice to still.
The plan was working so far but instead of Levi going upstairs Eren would, where he would be met by Erwin and Mike, whilst Levi would go to the safety of the neighbours house where Hanji, Jean, Petra and Farlan were waiting. The two stood, Levi opened the door and left the house whilst Eren went upstairs. As Levi was crossing the lawn he heard voices at the front door of his house and the inevitable happened.
"We've been set up!" Grisha yelled as he was taken down upstairs by Mike and Erwin, the pair cuffing him.
"Yeah but at least I get my revenge." Black Mask said, raising his gun and aiming it at Levi. He knew they'd been set up the moment he see Levi's silhouette leave the house. He had followed the small male and now stood a few feet from him, gun loaded and ready to kill.
"I told you kid, I never leave my victims alive."
Levi's eyes widened as he began to shake where he stood. The rest of the officers ran out but they were too late. He couldn't run, he couldn't talk the mad man down. He couldn't do anything. This was the end.
"Eren... y-you promised.." He said, shaking in fear.
Black Mask simply smirked.
All seemed lost as Eren ran down with Erwin and Mike and see Levi stood before Black Mask, his gun raised and ready. No, this wasn't meant to happen, Eren thought in a panic, this can't be happening... No was prepared when a gun was fired and a body hit the floor.

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