Chapter 15.

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Levi had been taken to a private room where he was able to calm down and then could call Eren and Jean, explaining what had happened. How can I tell Jean that his husband is currently in an unknown state in Maria General and I have no clue as to how it happened, Levi thought as he desperately tried to think of what to say. I need to tell him the truth but in all honesty, I'm not even sure what happened myself.. One moment Marco had been fine and the next he was sweating and pale before collapsing. Had he been drugged? Or poisoned? No, it's not like we ate any... The drinks! Rushing out of the room in a blind panic, Levi very nearly ran straight into Marco's doctor.
"I think I know what's wrong!" He blurted out.
"Let me hear what you have to say." The doctor said, walking Levi back into the private room and sitting down.
"Well, I've been trying to think of his symptoms and what they could relate to. The only actual possibilities that I managed to think of were either being poisoned or drugged. We never ate anything that day but we had drinks. The guy who took our orders seemed to seriously dislike Marco and before our drinks arrived we heard someone call "Marco Bodt" but we couldn't see anyone. When we turned round the drinks were there and the waiter was gone. We hadn't even heard them be placed do."
The doctor nodded. "You're smart to think like that, I'll give you that."
"I've worked with the FBI a lot. I know how they profile victims." Levi explained.
"Well, you are actually correct. Mr Kirschtein has been drugged but the substance was unknown so we suspect it was a homemade drug. At the moment we have him on an IV drip and other medicine to hopefully kill off the drug, mainly using antibiotics."
"Is he going to be okay? I need to call his husband." Levi said, looking towards the doctor with hope.
"He's going to be fine just ill over the course of the next few days, possibly even hours depending on how well his immune system is." The doctor said.
Levi nodded. "Thank you."
The doctor left Levi alone to make the call, something Levi really wasn't looking forward to making but now he knew Marco was fine he could worry less. He pulled out his phone and dialled Eren's number.
"Hey, where are you? You two were supposed to be back at five and it's now eight." Jean said once Eren had put the phone on loud speaker.
"Jean.. I need you to listen to me and stay as calm as possible. You and Eren must not, under any circumstances, leave the house. Lock all doors and windows. Do you understand?" Levi said.
"Uhh.. sure." Jean said. He heard the pair running around the house closing and locking all windows and checking the front and back door were locked. "Okay, done. Why are we having to stay home though?"
"I'm currently at the hospital with Marco. He collapsed whilst we were shopping." Levi told them.
"What?!" Jean shrieked.
"Jean, listen to me. Marco is fine, he's just going to be ill for a while. He was drugged with what the doctors assume is a homemade substance as they can't identify it. However, Marco wasn't drugged accidentally. He was targeted."
"What do you mean he was targeted?" Eren asked as Jean calmed down once he heard Marco was going to be okay.
Levi sighed and went on to explain what had happened in the mall and from what he'd profiled about the way in which it was done, Eren and Jean agreeing with him.
"I say we don't tell anyone what's happened, not even the family. We'll say that Marco's just ill with flu. That way we're not making a fuss which could draw out the bastards that did this." Jean said.
"I agree with Jean on this Levi. We don't involve the family or police. We keep it under wraps to be safe." Eren said.
"Yeah we should." Levi fell silent when another male doctor metered the room.
"Mr Ackerman your husband is waking up." He said before leaving without waiting for a response from Levi.
"He said Ackerman not Ackerman-Jaeger and he called Marco your husband. Levi, get to Marco and stay with him. We'll come get you in the morning, it's far too risky right now. Whoever tried to poison Marco is there at the hospital with you. Be careful." Jean said.
Levi nodded, practically running down the halls to Marco's private room. He entered the room and quickly locked the door shut, drawing the blinds. "I'll call you should I need you."
"We'll be there in seconds if you do. Goodnight and be careful." Jean said.
"Goodnight Jean, I will."
"I love you, stay safe." Eren said.
"I love you too. Bye." He hung up and slipped his phone in his pocket as he walked over to the chair by Marco's bed, sitting down as the freckled male began to stir. Brown eyes soon opened, scanning the room until they landed on Levi.
"Hey freckles."
"Hi." Marco said tiredly, sitting up.
"How do you feel?" Levi asked, gently running his fingers through Marco's hair.
"Like I'm about to puke." He muttered.
Levi quickly grabbed the bowl used for when patients were sick, holding it in front of Marco as he puked, gently rubbing his back to ease the feeling of sickness.
"You were drugged." Levi told him once he'd calmed down from being sick.
Marco nodded. "I had a feeling I was. After I drank the drink I began to feel weird and that's when I knew something was wrong. I can't remember anything after collapsing."
Levi nodded, handing the sick bowl to a nurse before leaning back in his chair. "You frightened the fucking life out of me Marco."
Marco smiled, placing his hand over Levi's. "Sorry about that."
"It's okay. You're alive, you're well and that's all I ask for. Get some rest. Eren and Jean will be collecting us in the morning."
"Okay." Marco lay back down, turning on his side so he could see Levi. "Aren't you going to sleep?"
"No. I'm staying awake until we're picked up."
"Because whoever poisoned you wasn't working alone. Somebody working here helped poison you. I'm not about to fall asleep."
Marco smiled gratefully at Levi. "You're a great friend Levi. Thank you."
Levi smiled, gently entwining his and Marco's fingers as the freckled male fell back to sleep, his breathing gentle and calm.
"Thank you for making me such a great friend."
"So you guys really have no clue as to why somebody would poison Marco?" Eren asked Levi as he helped his husband into their house.
"No." Levi mumbled tiredly.
"You need to go to bed, I think. You must be exhausted, Levi." Eren said, picking Levi up and carrying him to their room.
Levi shook his head, pointing to the bathroom. "Feel sick." He groaned and covered his mouth as quickly as he could.
Eren practically ran to the bathroom, setting Levi in front of the toilet just in time. The ravenette's stomach contents came up as Levi puked, Eren gently rubbing his back soothingly.
"You've not had morning sickness for at least a month. Why is it starting now?" Eren asked as Levi finished being sick.
"I'm six months in two days. This Saturday marks it." Levi mumbled, rubbing his stomach. Eren suddenly knew why Levi was so sick now.
"You've just entered your third and final trimester, haven't you?" He asked.
Levi nodded. "Somebody has been reading those baby books."
Eren flushed the toilet whilst Levi rinsed his mouth out before walking back to their room. "I have actually." Eren said as he followed Levi, handing him his pyjamas.
Levi smiled and as he slipped his bed top on and removed his skinnies. "Thank you. It means a lot knowing you have."
"Hey, we're in this together. It took two of us to make this child and it's going to take two of us to raise it. I'm not ever going to leave you and our baby." Eren promised.
Levi smiled and stood up on his tiptoes, gently kissing his husband as he placed his hands on the back of Eren's neck whilst the brunette held his hips.
"Thank you." Levi whispered as they broke apart, Eren pulling Levi closer as they stared into each other's eyes.
"Anytime babe. I think I owe you after all these years of you looking after me." Eren teased.
"Damn right." Levi teased back as they lay down, Eren pulling Levi between his legs.
"Goodnight, my love. Sleep well." Eren whispered, kissing Levi's forehead.
"You too, Eren. I love you." Levi whispered back.
"I love you more."
Levi sighed as he continued flicking through a case file he was currently working on. They'd recently discovered a body in Lake Rose which bordered the forest of Maria and Sina, the team lucky the body was found within their jurisdiction. As much as Levi enjoyed his work he was completely fed up of going over the same facts with the same answers and nothing more. Sighing once again he stood up, deciding to go and see if Eren could give him a hand. As he walked through the area where most of his team worked he noticed they all seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation which was immediately silenced the moment they see Levi. The smaller male pretended he hadn't noticed them acting strange, instead opting to continue walking to Eren's office like normal. The door was locked, Levi found, when he went to open it, a frown soon soon evident on Levi's face. Why has Eren locked the door, he thought as he knocked. Silence was the only response Levi received.
"If you're looking for Eren he's not there." Petra said from behind.
"Do you know where he is?" He asked, turning to face her.
"We thought you'd have known that." Mike said, frowning in confusion.
"Last I see he was in his office." Levi told him.
"He didn't tell you where he was going?" Farlan asked.
"No. Did he tell you?" Levi asked curiously.
"Yeah, he told us he's meeting with an old friend from college for lunch." Mike told Levi.
He never told me that, Levi thought. "Okay, well, when he returns tell him I need to borrow him for help with a case."
"Will do." Petra nodded as Levi walked back to his office. "Oh, and Levi?"
"Yeah." He turned to look at her.
"Remember it's movie night at yours and Eren's tonight." She reminded him. The ravenette nodded and entered his office, the door closing.
"So Eren's going out and not telling Levi a thing? Little bit suspicious don't you think?" Erd asked, crossing his arms.
"I hate to say it but yes it is suspicious." Mike said, the group sending each other looks of worry before splitting up and heading to their desks to work.
Levi shut his office door sunk down into his chair, sighing as he placed the file on his desk.
"Why would Eren go out and not tell me? He always makes sure I know where he's going incase I need to get hold of him." Levi said to himself.
His eyes flickered to his iPhone before he sighed and grabbed it, unlocking it and calling Eren. After several phone calls and no response Levi was starting to pissed off. He decided to leave it and just wait. Maybe Eren would phone back or turn up soon. When Levi left his office at 10pm he'd had no phone call or text back from Eren even though Levi had rung him thirty four times and left fifteen texts. Nothing. Eren hadn't even returned to the office.
He sighed as he entered his house, locking he door behind him before doing his routine check of making sure the back door and all windows were locked. He was still angry with Eren for not calling or texting when the others arrived for movie night. He tried taking his mind off of things as he made drinks and snacks whilst the others decided on a film.
"Hey Levi!" Isabel called.
"Yes?" He asked as he walked in with a tray of drinks and snacks.
"If we put on Saw 4 are you liable to puke?" Armin asked.
"Is Saw a horror?" Levi questioned.
"More psychological." Petra answered.
"Then no I won't puke. Anyway, I'm not going to puke at a movie if it's disturbing. More likely to freak out." Levi answered.
"Uh, Levi, you see, they're not-" Jean silenced Marco with a small kiss.
"They're not what?" Levi frowned.
Jean gave Marco a look. "They're not asking if you'll puke because it's disturbing but because of your pregnancy."
"You're all dumbasses. With the job we do day in, day out I'm sure I'll be fine. If you'll excuse me I'm going to change." He said heading upstairs.
"Nice cover up." Reiner laughed as Annie plopped down on his lap, putting her legs in Bertholdt's lap.
"Sorry but we've all seen the Saw movies and Levi hasn't. He's not a horror movie fan." Marco said. After making a full recovery Marco now back on his feet and well, the others none the wiser to what happened.
"Well, if he freaks I'm sure Eren can comfort him." Mikasa said as she walked in from the kitchen with tea and coffee for those who'd asked for some.
"He's still not here." Erwin said quietly.
"And Levi's really beginning to worry." Farlan added.
"He's okay right?" Petra asked.
As if on cue Levi's phone rang with the caller ID flashing as Eren, relieving them all.
"Levi! Phone!" Erwin yelled, the ravenette soon down the stairs and answering the call.
"I've been worried sick, where are you?"
"I told you I'm out with a college friend." Eren answered, his tone sounded agitated.
"No, you told the others. Wait, you mean to tell me you've been out with your friend since 12pm today and are still with them?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Eren I've been calling and texting you all fucking day because I've been worried sick about you! You left without telling me a thing only to say you're out with a friend and have been for the past ten and a half hours!" Levi snapped.
"You don't need to fucking worry, Jesus Christ Levi, you're my husband not my fucking mother!" Eren snapped back.
"I do fucking worry because ever since what happened with your father and Black Mask I panic that something could have happened to you!"
"Well, don't fucking worry like that! Black Mask is dead and my father is behind bars. Get the fuck over it!"
"No! I will not get the fuck over it! Who the fuck do you think you are?! What if I had needed you because of something with the baby?! I'm six fucking months!" Levi yelled, his body trembling with anger.
"Sometimes not your fucking husband that's who! And if there had been a problem with the baby I'm sure you could have called Marco! You seem all close with him!" Eren yelled back.
"What's that supposed to mean? Marco's a good friend who's been there when I needed him like Armin is with you!"
There was scuffling on the other end of the phone before a new voice spoke to Levi.
"Yeah but at least Eren's not been fucking Armin behind your back." The new voice said.
"I never-"
"You've been having an affair?!" Eren shrieked, cutting Levi off.
"No! Eren I would never-"
"I fucking knew it! You can't keep your legs shut for nothing! That's why you made up that lie in high school because you didn't want to branded as someone who sleeps around. How could you Levi?! Fuck you!"
The phone line went dead as Eren cut the call, silence descending upon the family as Levi stared at the wall, trying to calm down.
"I'm so sorry about that." Levi finally said, wiping his eyes as he grabbed Saw 4 and walked over to the TV.
"Levi?" Historia asked, watching as he put the disc in and returned the case to the table.
"Yes." He said as he sat down, taking his cup of tea.
"Are you okay?" She asked, the others watching him closely.
"I'm fine." He answered. "Just very angry."
"What did Eren mean when he said you lied in high school?" Mike asked.
Levi sighed and paused the TV on an advert.
"You all remember how Eren and I began dating in high school?" He began. He continued when they nodded. "Well, my ex, Jason, hated the fact that I had left him and after three months was now with someone else. Jason was older than me by three years but he was in my year because he'd been held back a lot. I was 16 and he was 19. Anyway, Eren and I had been dating for five months and were happy but then Jason began to act strange. He was nice to me, kinder, he cared if I wasn't well in class or unhappy and because Eren wasn't in my classes I had no one else. One lunch Eren and I said we would meet and sit with his friends. I hadn't been feeling great so Eren made sure he was by my side whenever he could be. As I was walking to meet Eren, Jason grabbed my arm and pulled me into the boys toilet, locking the door." Levi took a deep breath, willing away the tremors in his body.
"He beat you badly didn't he?" Erwin asked.
Levi shook his head. "God, I wish. No, he repeatedly threatened me for the months I was with Eren, saying if I didn't leave him I'd be in trouble with him. After locking the door he said 'I told you you should have left him and come back to me. You didn't listen'."
"So what did he do?" Connie asked.
Levi looked down, playing with his cardigan. "He raped me severely at least four times."
"What?!" The group shrieked, making Levi jump.
"Is that what that extra file is inside your medical file?" Erwin asked.
"Yes. After Jason was finished he redressed me and then left me in there. I must have laid there for about twenty minutes before I sat up and rang Eren. I could barely speak properly I was crying and shaking so badly but Eren managed to find me. He called a teacher and told them I what I told him and then called for an ambulance. I don't remember much after that."
"And now Eren's accusing you of lying about that and he thinks you're having an affair with Marco? What the fuck is going through his head?!" Mikasa snapped.
"He's probably drunk. He'll be sorry for it in the morning. It'll be fine guys." Levi said, playing the movie. I hope...

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