Chapter 9.

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Levi was stood in the kitchen making lunch when he heard the front door open and close. Eren's back from his night out, he thought, smiling to himself, I'm guessing he's hungover because he hasn't called out to say he's home. He chuckled softly and turned back to cutting the cucumber having not heard Eren sneak into the kitchen.
The ravenette turned at the call of his name and gasped. Eren stood in the door way of the kitchen, a large bunch of roses in one arm and a white teddy holding a heart in the other. The heart held a message, Levi's eyes quickly skimming the words, 'My love, my life, my light. I love you'.
"Eren.. What..?" Levi was so shocked that he honestly didn't know what to say. Had he forgotten something between the two of them? Their anniversary wasn't for another month and it wasn't their birthdays.
"Just because." Eren said, breaking Levi's train of thought.
"Because what?" Levi asked, looking at Eren as the brunette walked over, smiling at Levi.
"Just because I love you."
"Have you done something you regret and you're trying to buy me before I find out--"
"No. I bought them because I don't thank you enough for being in my life, for being with me.. for being mine. I love you, Levi."
He handed the ravenette the flowers and the bear, the smaller male taking them with a smile and tears in his eyes.
"Eren, they're beautiful." Levi whispered, wrapping his arms around Eren's neck and kissing him deeply. Eren quickly returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Levi's waist as he pulled him closer.
"I love you, Eren and I'm so grateful to be yours and to be with you. You didn't have to get me these but I love them all the same. Now.. answer me something?" Levi asked sweetly.
"Anything." Eren said, smiling.
"Are you looking for sex?" Levi raised an eyebrow at his husband.
Eren laughed. "No, sweetheart, I'm not. I just did this because I wanted too and felt you deserved it and not for sex."
"Okay because I don't think I could if I wanted too." Levi answered, turning around and grabbing a jar for the roses.
"Why? Are you alright?" Eren asked, concern evident in his tone of voice.
"I'm fine just my back that's not. It aches." He answered, filling the jar with water and placing the roses in it on the table, arranging them.
"Go lay down, Levi. I'll finish lunch and bring it up to you." Eren said, gently nudging his husband out of the room.
Levi didn't even bother to argue. "Okay." He said softly, walking upstairs and settling on their bed, fluffing up his pillows. Levi sighed happily as he leaned back in comfort. What would I do without you Eren, he thought.
"Lunch is served." Eren called, walking through the door with two trays in hand, their lunch and drinks carefully placed on top.
Levi smiled and clapped happily, watching as Eren placed them on the bed, pushing the tray up to Levi and sitting beside him. He handed Levi his plate and drink before taking his.
"Mediterranean salad with balsamic oil and fresh orange juice. Can I cook or what?" Eren said with a smile.
"Considering that I had already prepared half the vegetables I'd say that yes, you can cook because it looks just as good as when I do it." Levi answered, kissing Eren's cheek.
"Still I prepared what you had left unprepared whilst preparing drinks. That's a lot of preparing." Eren raised his eyebrows.
Levi simply laughed at his husband. "For you, my dear, it is."
"Alright, alright, shut up laughing and eat. The baby will want feeding too."
"Yes sir."
Eren deadpanned, narrowing his eyes at his laughing husband, shaking his head. "What am I gonna do with you?"
"Love me, tease me and never leave me." Levi smirked.
"You got that right, now eat." Eren laughed.
"Yes sir!"
"What's the restaurant called again?" Eren asked, looking to Sasha and Connie in the back seat of his car.
"The Lake View." Connie answered, entwining his fingers with his wife's. "It's on the cliffs near the Palm Hotel and Lake Sina."
"I know where that is now." Eren said, turning left at the lights. He looked over to Levi, smiling as he caught his husband gently running his fingers over his baby bump.
"So how've you two been?" Sasha asked. "Must be exciting with a baby on the way!"
Eren chuckled softly whilst Levi turned to look at her. "It is pretty exciting but tiring. I guess it's to be expected."
"Are you going to find out the gender or leave it?" Connie asked.
"We want to leave it as a surprise." He answered, smiling.
"That's the best way to do it I think." Sasha said.
"What about you two? Won't there be a Springer baby one day." Levi asked.
Sasha suddenly looked out the window whilst Connie fidgeted. "No, not unless its adoption or IVF."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I never meant anything by it." Levi quickly apologised.
"No, it's okay Levi, you didn't know. I'm infertile but we think we might adopt within the future." Sasha explained.
Levi have her a smile, taking her hand. "That will be a very lucky child."
Connie laughed whilst Sasha blushed. "So will yours."
Levi shook his head and turned to face the front, Eren trying to stifle his laughter. "It was nice of Jean to invite everyone out to dinner."
"Yeah it was. What's the occasion?" Sasha asked.
"In all honesty, I don't think anybody has any idea." Levi answered.
Eren coughed, staying silent as he turned at the intersection as their light turned green. "Maybe he and Marco are--" Eren never got the chance to finish his sentence for a large four by four suddenly sped out in front of them from the opposite direction. Eren quickly turned the wheel, slamming on the breaks as the car spun in a circle, it's passengers screaming before the car came to a halt.
"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Sasha whispered in a frightened tone.
"Is everyone okay?" Eren asked, looking in the mirror to check on Sasha and Connie.
"Baby cakes are you okay?" Connie asked Sasha, checking her over.
"I'm fine, just shocked is all." She answered shakily.
"Levi, honey, are you alright?" Eren asked, checking to see if his husband was okay.
"I'm okay, I'm okay." He answered, a hand over his pounding heart.
"The baby?" Sasha asked, worried for Levi and his child.
"Oh god, please tell me they're okay." Eren panicked.
"We're fine, we're both fine, the baby's fine." Levi answered, sitting up straight.
"Does anybody need the hospital?" Eren asked.
Everyone answered with a shaky 'no'.
"Are you all okay to go ahead to dinner?" He asked.
Sasha and Connie nodded. "Levi, are you okay to go on?"
"I think so."
"Are you sure the baby's alright?"
"I'm sure, it just frightened the life out of me."
Eren nodded, starting the car back up and driving towards the restaurant, the car now silent, the happy and lively atmosphere now gone, the passengers each trying to swallow back the fear that had washed over them.
Eren was soon pulling into the driveway of The Ocean Bay, driving up to the car park. They were ten minutes late because of the near accident but none of them cared about that right now. They were just grateful they were alive.
"Look who finally decided to show!" Erwin said as the two couples arrived at the reserved table on the balcony, overlooking the lake and the small bay.
"You guys okay?" Mike asked, frowning at their pale faces.
"We very nearly had a collision with another car." Eren answered, keeping his arm wrapped around Levi's waist as they sat.
"What?! Are you guys okay?!" Reiner asked.
"We're fine, just a little shaken up." Connie said as they sat.
"Are you okay to eat?" Erwin asked.
"Yeah, you guys are looking really pale." Hanji said, concern evident on her face.
"No, we're fine to eat." Connie said, giving them a small smile.
"Yeah, I'm okay." Sasha reassured them.
"You two?" Berthodlt asked Eren and Levi. "Are you okay to eat?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Levi?" Eren gently brushed some hair from his face.
"I'm okay." He answered softly.
"As long as you are then we can order our meals and enjoy the night." Armin said.
Nods of agreement came from them as they took menu's to decide on what to eat. Eren kept glancing at Levi every so often, not missing Levi's hand that continuously rubbed the bottom of his baby bump. Once the food had been ordered and drinks were served the atmosphere was lively again, the four from Eren's car calmer as they joined in the laughter and jokes.
"Okay, now I'm not sure if I heard this correct but apparently there is a reason for tonight's dinner." Historia said, taking a sip of wine.
Eren and Jean exchanged looks, their husbands not missing the glances. "Historia I think you heard correct." Marco said.
"Indeed. What's going on?" Levi asked.
"Okay, so yes Historia is correct about there being a reason for tonight's meal." Jean began. "We've discussed it with quite a few people and everyone has agreed win myself and Eren."
Gasps of realisation were suddenly heard from around the table as everyone soon realised what Jean was talking about, all except for Marco and Levi.
"Seriously, what's going on?" Marco asked.
"Two things. First is that Levi and I have been talking about godparents and believe us, it's been very hard but we have the godfather sorted out." Eren told them.
"Oh, I know about this part." Levi suddenly said, making the others laugh.
"Welcome back sweetheart." Eren teased.
"Shut up." Levi mumbled.
"Anyway, we asked everyone if they thought this person was a suitable godfather and we got the exact same response each time so.." Eren turned to Levi who stood, pulling Marco to his feet as well.
"Marco Kirschtein will you be the godfather of our child?" He asked, smiling at the freckled male. Marco's eyes suddenly widened as he stared at Levi, then Eren and everyone else.
"Me? You want me to be the godfather?" He asked.
"Yes. So will you?" Levi smiled.
Marco nodded. "Yes, I'd be honoured."
Levi pulled Marco into a hug. "Everyone agreed you'd be best."
They pulled apart, smiling at everyone. "Thank you, all of you." Marco said softly.
"That's not all, freckles." Eren said.
Marco frowned. "Not all?"
"Eren said there were two things going on tonight. That was only the first." Ymir reminded him as Jean walked over and took Marco's hand.
"There's something I want to ask you and need to do." He said, entwining his and Marco's fingers.
"What is it?" Marco asked softly.
"When I proposed I never had an engagement ring and you still don't have one, only the wedding ring. The proposal wasn't how I wanted it to go either, it was rushed and nervous and you deserve so much more than that."
"Jean, it was fine. I don't need an engagement ring."
"Yes you do and you deserve a proper proposal." Jean said.
The ash brown haired male pulled a black velvet box out from his pocket, holding it in one hand as he got down on one knee, opening the lid of the box to reveal a silver engagement ring embedded with sapphires, Marco's favourite stone. A small inscription was engraved in the inside of the ring; 'Forever my one and only, my love'.
"Marco Bodt you are an absolutely stunning man and without you I'd be lost. You've been there through my darkest of times, picked me up when I've fallen down and have never once left my side, no matter how hard things got you were there for me. You've been my shoulder to cry on, the one who's there to calm me down and you've never once left my side even when things seemed bad you stayed with me. You've been there for me through thick and thin and now I want you to be there forever. So, will you do the honour of making me the happiest man on earth? Will you marry me?"
Marco had tears streaming down his face, one hand covering his mouth as he let out a happy laugh. "Yes.. Yes I'll marry you!"
Jean removed his wedding ring and slipped the engagement ring on his finger, keeping hold of his wedding ring. He stood up and took Marco's hands.
"Marco Bodt, will you stay by me, through sickness and health and love me and cherish me as I cherish and love you?"
"Yes." Marco smiled, wiping his tears away.
"Do you take me to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
Jean slipped his wedding ring back on his finger. "Then I now pronounce you Mr Marco Kirschtein and all mine."
Marco giggled and wrapped his arms around Jean's neck as Jean wrapped his arms around Marco's waist and pulled him into a deep kiss. Clapping and cheering erupted from their friends and those who were sat nearby. The couple pulled apart and took their seats, a large smile on Marco's face as he stared at his engagement ring, nuzzling Jean.
"Thank you, I love it. I love you."
"Anything for you, my darling. I love you too."
"I'd say this was a night well planned." Eren said, raising his glass in a toast. "To the Kirschtein's who I hope have a happy and love filled marriage and to love because without it, we wouldn't have our husbands and wives and those around us."
"To the Kirschtein's and love." They toasted, drinking.
"A beautiful end to a beautiful night." Levi said, looking up at the star filled sky.
"That was spent with beautiful people." Eren said softly, kissing Levi gently.
"I can't begin to imagine my life without you."
"Then don't."
Levi smiled, resting his head on Eren's shoulder as a fireworks display began, bursts of colour filling the night sky, lighting up the whole lake.
"Life is beautiful in the simplest of ways."

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