Chapter 4

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The following days proved challenging for Glarald and Illianaro as they observed Marisa struggle. She lasted barely a day before finding it too difficult to maintain her act. Requesting frequent gatherings of mushrooms, regardless of their toxicity, Marisa surprised them with her knowledge and skill. 

Claiming that the spirits guided her, Marisa attempted her first concoction and was promptly poisoned. Despite their concern, Marisa insisted it was a trial set by the spirits. The pattern repeated with her subsequent attempts, leaving Glarald, and Illianaro feeling helpless as Marisa faced these challenges alone. 

Meanwhile, Illianaro focused on teaching Marisa magic theory, noting her limited mana capacity will be difficult for practical practices. Additionally, the elves think the spirits had bestowed upon Marisa a magical broom for flying. Her mysterious disappearances and timely appearances just before her lessons added to the enigma surrounding Marisa's abilities and the spirits' influence.


Marisa resided in her temporary dwelling, graciously constructed using materials borrowed from the elf village. She made sure to return everything promptly, as the persistent fairy, Elfijyah, reminded her each time. 

Speaking of the fairy, the Melodramatic outburst caught Marisa off guard. "Marisa! How could you do this?! Your actions have tarnished my precious image..." Elfijyah lamented, feeling betrayed by Marisa's risky experiments to increase her meager mana reserves. 

Determination to push her limits had inadvertently cast Elfijyah in a new light, one that aligned more with her title, "Terror of the Forest." Witnessing Elfijyah's tears, Marisa sighed resignedly, knowing the futility of trying to console the emotional fairy. Elfijyah's sensitivity to others' opinions and tendency to cry easily made her a challenging case for comfort.

Marisa's attempt to reassure Elfijyah backfired when she mentioned transforming any negative perceptions about the fairy. "You know, Elfijyah, I can change how others see you. When I grow stronger, I'll ensure everyone knows the truth about you, "Marisa assured Elfijyah. 

Touched by Marisa's words initially, Elfijyah's emotions quickly shifted as she realized the implications. "Marisa, you fool...!!" Elfijyah exclaimed before severing their telepathic connection, leaving Marisa feeling sheepish. 

Turning her attention to her surprising creation, a book containing 50 mushroom concoctions, Marisa marveled at the result. Inspired by Illianaro'steachings, she incorporated ingredients from the great forest into her recipes. Sealing a sample of thick blue goo into a glass bottle, Marisa had created her signature exploding mushroom, a rare concoction she seldom used in her current endeavors.

Marisa, eager to test the effectiveness of her creation, targeted the wolves that had previously posed a threat to her. Summoning her broom, she soared through the air, the near completion of her signature dress bringing a sense of accomplishment. 

Along her flight path, she noticed the village of beast people, making a mental note to revisit for potential trade or to seek unique artifacts exclusive to their community. As she traversed the skies, Marisa encountered various mutated creatures influenced by the abundance of mana, a stark reminder of the forest's current state. 

Spotting a pack of wolves below, a mischievous grin played on Marisa's lips. Retrieving the mushroom bomb concealed beneath her skirt, she gleefully hurled it toward the wolves, triggering a controlled blue explosion that incapacitated the threat without harming the environment. Satisfied with the outcome, Marisa returned home to note it in her book.

Elfijyah's concerned voice interrupted Marisa's victorious moment, warning her about the dangers of keeping such hazardous objects close at hand. "Oh, don't worry, I'm perfectly fine. See? Still alive and kicking," Marisa reassured Elfijyah, though the fairy's lingering worry remained evident. 

Playfully prodding Elfijyah about her emotional outburst, Marisa teased, "So, are we done with the tears, or is there a sequel in the works?" Elfijyah chose to ignore Marisa's jest, signaling the end of her emotional turmoil. Determined to focus on her magical training, Marisa set off to locate Illianaro for her next lesson. Upon reaching Illianaro's abode, she found the sage engrossed in a book, who warmly welcomed her and gestured for her to take a seat, ready to resume their studies.

Before Illianaro could finish his explanation on creating a water ball, Marisa instinctively performed the gesture. Placing her thumb on the upper segment of her middle finger and rubbing it, a small ball of water materialized above her hand, leaving Illianaro dumbfounded. Marisa, puzzled by his reaction to such a fundamental spell, innocently questioned, "What?" She then dispersed the magic, allowing it to flow back into her being, further perplexing Illianaro with her natural proficiency.

Illianaro, astonished by Marisa's actions, inquired with a mix of disbelief and curiosity, "How did you...?" Marisa, drawing from her extensive research and observations, confidently elaborated, "The theory behind instantaneous spellcasting is rooted in the challenge of bypassing the traditional incantations. While silent casting aids in mental spell projection, the key lies in subconscious casting, where spells become second nature to your being, akin to breathing. By training your body to instinctively perform the required movements, you can expedite spellcasting. The efficiency of minimalistic gestures cannot be overstated." 

Illianaro found himself in awe of Marisa's insightful understanding, marveling at her intellectual depth despite her youth. As Marisanonchalantly attributed her knowledge to the spirits once more, Elfijyah rolled her eyes in exasperation at being involved yet again. However, she couldn't help but admire Marisa's sharp intellect and the profound implications of her mastery of simple spells through countless repetitions.

Illianaro, fascinated by Marisa's effortless application of spiritual knowledge, recognized her swift mastery of magical concepts. Despite his astuteness, he often overlooked the significance of repetitive practice in honing techniques, a detail Marisa seemed to grasp instinctively despite her recent connection to mana. This oversight proved beneficial for Marisa, given the need to safeguard her identity as an otherworldly being.

Deciding to memorialize Marisa's insights for posterity, Illianaro resolved to transcribe her wisdom into a tome to be preserved for future generations. He encouraged Marisa to embark on a journey of self-study, presenting her with a tome containing spells collected from diverse continents. Excited by the prospect of exploring new magical abilities, Marisa contemplated the potential of creating spell cards inspired by these newfound spells.

Elfijyah's inquiry about canceling spells prompted Marisa to demonstrate her unique approach. Marisa explained that by harnessing the mana within her, she could command the spell's dissipation. To illustrate, she recreated the water ball, transforming it into a fiery orb by adjusting her hand gesture. Elfijyah's astonished reaction left Marisa pondering whether the magic in this realm was truly not as advanced or if her extraordinary abilities were simply a product of her unconventional nature.


Oops, I may have fast-forwarded a couple of days there! And hey, I employed my patented technique, 'reasonable bullshit'—you know, it's BS but it somehow makes sense! Now, is this chapter a tad short? Well, tough luck! Trying to cram in more words feels like I'm about to go bonkers!

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