Chapter 6

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Marisa sat in quiet contemplation, gazing up at the unfamiliar stars scattered across the sky above the cacophony of the so-called tree of life in the elf village. Each constellation was a foreign sight to her, devoid of any familiar patterns. 

The absence of star-related knowledge in Illianaro's books left Marisa pondering the idea of creating her book about the stars. She found it perplexing that no one in the village seemed to have delved into the study of these celestial bodies.

In a moment of introspection, Marisa turned to Elfijyah and whispered, "What is my purpose?" Her voice tinged with uncertainty and a hint of apprehension. "I hope I'm not destined to be just a messenger forever. The thought of being separated from my friends for over a year is daunting... I don't want that," she confessed, feeling a wave of isolation wash over her. In this unfamiliar world without Reimu by her side, Marisa felt the weight of loneliness press upon her, yearning for the familiar comfort of her companions.

"The thing is... while we could easily send you home until you can travel to search for the other great spirits, we also hold hope that you possess the strength to defeat the false human god and bring peace to our world," Elfijyah emphasized to Marisa. 

However, there was a hint of selfishness in Elfijyah's words as well. Having invested so much in summoning Marisa, the idea of simply sending her back seemed unacceptable. Additionally, Marisa's self-imposed isolation had created a barrier that prevented her from truly considering anyone as a friend.

"I see... it's like a children's story, finding companions and facing the ultimate evil to save the world," Marisa chuckled softly. "You know, Marisa, it's better to allow someone into your world because the more you isolate yourself, the lonelier you become," Elfijyah advised Marisa. However, Marisa simply responded, "I'm just not feeling it right now. Maybe in the future, someone will find their way in, but for now, just let me be."


Marisa is currently mastering intermediate-rank spells from the tome, calculating that she can unleash five of these spells before exhausting herself, without relying on her Hakkero. This progress was achieved in just over a month in the village and has garnered admiration from those around her. To conserve mana, Marisa opts to cast lower-tier spells in a way that mimics the effects of intermediate magic.

Marisa is about to unleash her signature magic, a classic spell for her: the magic missile. With a simple wave of her hand, four magic missiles materialize beside her, and she directs them toward the makeshift test subject. The impact causes the dummy to shake, although no significant damage is visible. 

Marisa senses that each missile consumes only a small amount of her mana, much to her relief, as she had expected a greater expenditure. With her current mana capacity, she could potentially launch 60 magic missiles, while with the aid of her Hakkero, she could unleash over 300 of them. Despite being considered one of her weaker spells in the light category, the magic missile showcases Marisa's skill and efficiency with her magical abilities.

"It's kind of weak," Elfijyah remarked. "Well, the danger lies not in its destructiveness, but in the sheer quantity I can unleash," Marisa explained. To demonstrate, she mounted her broom and began firing magic missiles with her Hakkero. 

The rapid production of missiles left Elfijyah astonished. While one missile may seem insignificant, the sight of tens or hundreds being conjured was truly frightening. In a matter of moments, the training dummy and the surrounding ground were obliterated. 

"Hahaha! It may not be as satisfying as my peak performance, but at least I managed to release some pent-up stress," Marisa declared as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

Elfijyah stood in awe at the mesmerizing display of colorful explosions from the blast missiles. "It's quite beautiful in a sense," she remarked, eliciting a smile from Marisa. "Well, you see, our battles in Gensokyo are meant to entertain ourselves and the onlookers. Winning or losing doesn't matter as long as you have fun... but I can't say the same for this world, where death is a normal occurrence in a fight, I presume," Marisa explained.

Elfijyah marveled at the system that had adapted to Marisa's world. "Then it must be peaceful," she remarked, unaware of the numerous incidents Marisa and others had prevented that could have disrupted Gensokyo's tranquility. Marisa, sweatdropping at the thought, explained, "Not really. Me, Reimu, and sometimes others work together to maintain Gensokyo's relatively peaceful life. Although there are powerful individuals who seek to cause trouble, nothing spirals out of control." Marisa spoke cheerfully, acknowledging the presence of formidable guardians in Gensokyo, such as Yukari. "Also, Reimu's spell card system works well," she added.

"Reimu?" Elfijyah inquired, intrigued by the mention of a new name she had not heard before. Marisa eagerly explained, "Well, Reimu is the main shrine maiden in Gensokyo. She is responsible for maintaining the Hakurei barrier that separates Reality and Fantasy. 

She's also my close friend, though sometimes she can be a pain to deal with. Despite her laziness, I often find myself at a disadvantage when facing her in battle. Reimu is straightforward and doesn't concern herself with much beyond what she deems necessary. She's quite..." Marisa continued to express her admiration for Reimu to Elfijyah, conveying a sense of deep respect and affection. "She is really important to you, isn't she?" Elfijyah observed, picking up on the profound significance Reimu held in Marisa's life.

Marisa paused, her expression softening into a genuine smile. "Yes, she is," Marisa admitted, surprising Elfijyah with her honesty. "You will meet her in the future, but for now, your adventures here are far from over. Perhaps you will grow even stronger and prove that you can stand by her side," Elfijyah remarked, offering words of encouragement to Marisa. Marisa was taken aback by Elfijyah's insightful words. 

"I didn't expect you to possess such wisdom. I thought you only knew how to complain and nag," Marisa said, feigning tears as she wiped away imaginary tears. "I swear, if I had a physical body, I would beat you up," Elfijyah retorted, her frustration palpable.



Nothing really...

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