Chapter 15

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Marisa broke the awkward silence that had settled in the room. "Honestly, I didn't expect this to happen," she admitted. "In my experience, such a method has always been excruciating. It even led my close friend to advise me to seek alternative methods. Perhaps it's because my nerves are somewhat destroyed by my natural inclination to consume deadly concoctions. 

However, this experience did give me insight into your nerves. They seem narrow, which suggests that you might struggle with controlling mana inside you due to the lower output of your body," Marisa explained.

Marisa continued calmly, "I mean, your mana increase will depend on your body as well. If your body doesn't expel too much mana, there's a chance that your soul will be nourished with it little by little. If your nerves become wider, maybe I could input more mana, but let's not rush things now," Marisa advised, while Roxy's mind was a chaotic mess.

Roxy gazed at Marisa through the window, finding her reaction to the situation somewhat amusing. However, as she observed Marisa's red cheeks and shy expression, Roxy couldn't help but smile, feeling relieved that she wasn't the only one feeling embarrassed. 

"What are you smiling about?" Marisa asked a hint of flusteredness in her voice despite her attempt to sound rude. "Nothing," Roxy replied, her tone tinged with exhaustion. "Don't move; this is your first time after all. Luckily, I'm quite good at handling such things. So, relax and let me take care of you for the rest of the day," Marisa said proudly.

After briefly leaving the room to arrange some meals for Roxy, Marisa returned with the food and added a little extra to cover her indulgence. She then cast a delayed magic spell comprising elements of flight, wind, and water, creating a gentle chill in the room without risking Roxy catching a cold. 

Roxy curiously watched the floating sphere, prompting Marisa to explain, "That's just delayed magic. A certain maid explained stopping time to me, and I found it inspiring." Marisa then proceeded to wipe Roxy with a damp towel, although Roxy wanted to decline, she lacked the strength to move.

"I'm sorry; I didn't consider your feelings and acted without thinking. Honestly, you're the second person I've had to care for in this way," Marisa admitted with a strained smile. "The other person is quite stubborn and headstrong, so I sometimes have to be forceful to ensure they recover. I forgot that not everyone appreciates such closeness, so once again, I apologize," Marisa expressed, feeling regretful and concerned about possibly losing some trust in Roxy.

"No, it's fine... I wouldn't have been able to manage it on my own," Roxy admitted simply, feeling a warmth from Marisa's care. "Well, that was the first time, but the next time should be a bit easier since your body has adapted a little," Marisa said with a smile. "Anyway, let me tell you a story about how I met my teacher," she continued, sitting down beside the bed. Marisa then recounted her encounter with the teacher who taught her the basics of magic, a meeting that happened after she had stuffed her mouth with mushrooms in the magical forest.

As Marisa reached the door, she also set up a light mine above it, just in case of any potential threats. However, it turned out to be the inn's helper delivering their food. Marisa thanked them warmly and left a generous tip before returning to Roxy's side. She had ordered a dish known for its energy-boosting effects, and after tasting it, Marisa remarked, "Thankfully, it's not spiked or poisoned."

Roxy couldn't help but sweat a little at the thought. "If it might be poisoned, why did you eat it directly without testing it first?" she asked Marisa with a sigh.

Marisa shrugged nonchalantly. "I consume poisonous things daily as part of my diet, so I've built up immunity to them," she explained casually as if it were an everyday occurrence. Roxy couldn't help but sigh, realizing they had only known each other for at most two days and already sensing that her sense of normalcy might be severely distorted if she spent too much time with Marisa.

"Now, eat up," Marisa said with a smile, closing the spoon onto Roxy's mouth gently but firmly. Roxy reluctantly opened her mouth and allowed herself to be fed, feeling a mix of curiosity and trepidation about what else Marisa might reveal about her unusual life.

"When you've mastered the basics, we should start traveling to gain experience and face hardships," Marisa said gently, but to Roxy, her words sent a chill down her spine as she realized her comfortable, everyday life might soon vanish like a bubble.

Marisa chuckled at Roxy's pale expression. "Don't worry. You know the saying, right? 'After enduring today's suffering, tomorrow brings new challenges.' You face hardships repeatedly until they no longer faze you, and before you realize it, you've grown stronger than you ever imagined," Marisa said, her tone hesitant as she paraphrased the famous quote she had heard.

Roxy's nervousness grew, but as she thought about the reasons for leaving her home, her determination solidified, and she looked at Marisa with steel resolve. "Yes, I'll follow your teachings, teacher," Roxy declared to Marisa, who couldn't help but chuckle and feel a sense of warmth, reminiscent of Reine's feelings after teaching the children in the village.

Just then, Elfijyah's voice interrupted, causing both Marisa and Roxy to turn their attention to the spirit. "Um... I must say, it all seems a bit fast, but congratulations to you both," Elfijyah said, clearly feeling a bit shy about the situation.

Undyne appeared beside Roxy and healed her completely, washing away Roxy's fatigue. "Marisa, it's Roxy's first time. Why are you being so harsh on her?" Undyne asked, concerned as she sensed Roxy's drained state. "Can't you at least be gentle?"

At first, Roxy was confused, but as she caught on to the underlying meaning, she became shy and speechless. "That's not what happened!" Roxy exclaimed, crossing her arms defensively to emphasize that Undyne's assumption was wrong. Marisa and Undyne exchanged a glance, silently understanding each other's thoughts.

"What do you mean? I'm being gentle. If I didn't consider Roxy's well-being, she might have felt even more fatigued," Marisa retorted indignantly, causing Roxy's ears to turn even redder as she shook Marisa's arm. "You fool! Don't make it worse!" Roxy pleaded with Marisa, while Undyne, on the side, blushed and covered her face, imagining scenarios in her head. Just a typical day in their blooming friendship.



Sorry, folks, but my brain juice seems to be on a break! Maybe I need to watch some explicit content to get it flowing again. Just kidding?

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