Chapter 5

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Marisa's envy deepened as she contemplated the disparity between her struggles to obtain mana and the seemingly effortless access to mana for the inhabitants of this world. In Gensokyo, natural-born magicians were blessed with an additional organ capable of storing mana, a unique advantage that allowed for the expansion of mana storage through consistent usage. 

For individuals like Marisa, who were not born as magicians, acquiring such an organ entailed a challenging process involving the simulation or implantation of a faux seed known as Mana Corruption. This seed, akin to a dormant energy source, embedded itself within the body, establishing roots that interconnected with the entire being, granting enhanced mana storage capabilities at the cost of discomfort and sacrifice.

Marisa's frustration towards those in the world gifted with innate mana abilities but choosing not to utilize them stemmed from her journey of overcoming obstacles to harness her magical potential. 

The ancient tome she consulted revealed the stark reality that only 1 in20 individuals possessed the inherent capacity to wield mana. Furthermore, achieving mastery in the art of magic was a rare accomplishment, attainable by just 1 in 20 individuals, while reaching the esteemed status of an advanced-rank magician was an even more exclusive feat, limited to a mere 1 in 100 individuals. 

The statistics underscored the rarity and privilege associated with magical aptitude in this world, prompting Marisa to reflect on the unique challenges and sacrifices she had faced in her relentless pursuit of magical prowess.

Additionally, despite the prevalence of mana in the world, Marisa discovered that there existed another form of energy, a kind of chi or aura, specifically significant for fighters, particularly swordsmen.

Marisa firmly believes in the supremacy of pure firepower as the ultimate force. Renowned for her mastery of various magical categories, Marisa possesses expertise in Light Sign, Star Sign, and Love Sign spells. Within this magical framework, Light Sign represents spells crafted from pure light, exuding radiant energy and illumination. 

Star Sign magic combines the elements of light and heat, infusing spells with both brilliance and warmth. On the other hand, Love Sign magic blends all four primary elements, with its essence derived from the harmonious fusion of Star Sign magic.

Despite her formidable magical repertoire, Marisa acknowledges the limitations of her mana reserves. She recognizes that invoking the powerful Love Sign spell instantaneously is beyond her current capabilities. 

Her mana pool allows for casting only ten elementary-grade spells before exhaustion sets in, highlighting the constraints she faces in unleashing relentless magical barrages. Marisa navigates a world where the era of ceaseless magical spam is a distant memory, adapting her strategies to optimize her spellcasting efficiency and effectiveness within the confines of her mana capacity.

Fortunately, Marisa possesses her invaluable mini-Hakkero, a crucial asset that significantly reduces the mana consumption of her spells by an impressive 90%. This indispensable tool plays a pivotal role in Marisa's magical prowess, enabling her to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of her spellcasting abilities. Functioning akin to a mana-fueled furnace, the mini-Hakkero adeptly gathers ambient mana from the surrounding environment, storing this potent energy within itself.

With the aid of the mini-Hakkero, Marisa can unleash spells with unparalleled potency using only a fraction of her mana reserves, ensuring that her magical endeavors are both impactful and sustainable. This remarkable artifact empowers Marisa to achieve the full potential of her spells, allowing her to channel the stored mana to produce magical effects at 100% effectiveness. As a result,mana-draining spells like Love Sign become eminently spammable.

To enhance her mana capacity, Marisa heeds Elfijyah's advice on utilizing mana consumption to expand her reservoir, a technique beneficial for natives of the six-faced world but less effective for outsiders like herself. 

As an outsider, Marisa resorts to a unique method of increasing her mana by consuming the crystals of defeated beasts, a limited but necessary option in her quest to bolster her magical abilities. Surprisingly, these mana crystals exhibit distinct flavors, adding a peculiar twist to the otherwise arduous task of mana replenishment.

In a moment of daring experimentation, Marisa surprises Elfijyahby by ingesting a mana crystal, allowing her body to naturally absorb its magical essence. With a whimsical comparison, Marisa likens the experience to enjoying candy, showcasing her unconventional approach to magic and resourcefulness in harnessing mana. 

Observing this unorthodox practice, Illianaro grows apprehensive about the great spirit Elfijyah's decision to impart such profound yet potentially risky knowledge to Marisa, raising questions about the implications of these teachings on the aspiring magician's journey.

After securing her faux core, Marisa meticulously refines it, imprinting her unique signature to safeguard her mana from potential drains by cursed artifacts or malevolent entities. This practice of personalizing mana is a common one in Gensokyo, where individuals can easily discern one another's mana signatures lingering in the air. Following the consumption of a mana crystal, Marisa promptly refines it, integrating its essence into her reservoir.

To her chagrin, Marisa rediscovers the incredible ability of her Hakkero to refine mana crystals, a function she had inadvertently overlooked. This realization prompts a moment of exasperation as she laments her oversight, a reaction that leads her to vent her frustration into the depths of her pillow.

Marisa also does her apostle duties for example conveying Elfijyah's concerns, conveying Elfijyah's message, conveying Elfihyah's reports and what she observed, isn't she just a messenger just now? Marisa also mingles with the people

Upon spotting a peculiar device for sale at the store, Marisa'scuriosity is piqued, leading her to inquire about the item. The elf storekeeper explains that the device is a water faucet capable of producing up to 200 liters of water before requiring replenishment, priced at 2 large Asura copper coins. While Marisa comprehends the currency system of the realm, she finds herself lacking funds due to her recent expenditure on mana crystals.

Expressing interest in borrowing the water faucet, Marisa proposed to return it promptly, albeit with a playful remark about the shopkeeper aging during the interim. Despite outwardly agreeing, the shopkeeper grapples internally with the dilemma of needing payment versus Marisa's esteemed status as their sole apostle. Meanwhile, Elfijyah's voice echoes in Marisa's mind, urging her to honorably compensate the shopkeeper with an advanced-rank magic stone payment.

Reluctantly, Marisa relents and tenders the magic stone in place of currency, realizing the steep cost of the transaction compared to the nominal price of the water faucet. Witnessing Marisa's gesture, the shopkeeper graciously accepts the magic stone and offers her 13 large copper coins in return. Touched by the shopkeeper's kindness and understanding, Marisa expresses gratitude for the fair exchange, acknowledging the goodwill extended to her.

Marisa's excitement over acquiring more value than expected for the magic tool, powered by an elementary water-rank core, radiated through her expression. Elfijyah's smug remark, "See if you do good, good will be done upon you," was promptly met with a mischievous retort from Marisa.

"The magical tool was obtained when the patrol intercepted humans wandering near the forest's edge, inadvertently stumbling upon it. They acquired the tool at no cost, essentially making a profit of 2 large coppers," Marisa explained with agrin. She noted the patrol's clever move, especially considering a group of elves had set out for Millishion, indicating a strategic opportunity seized.

As Elfijyah's smug facade faded, Marisa couldn't resist adding, "I made it all up." Her smug smile revealed her playful deception, causing Elfijyah to react predictably, exclaiming loudly in Marisa's mind, "MARISA!!".



Back-to-back uploads? Who would've thought, right?! I mean, let's face it—I don't exactly have a thrilling novel that demands binge-reading, so I've got plenty of free time on my hands! Might as well keep those uploads coming, right?

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