Chapter 8

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Marisa surged towards the demon continent, using her wind magic to create a protective barrier against the resistance of the air. Effortlessly surpassing the world's speed limits, she easily broke through the constraints of conventional travel, finding it rather unchallenging.

In a swift and seamless motion, Aya could have envisioned the entire scene and intersected Marisa's path at that moment. "Hey, Elfijyah, is flying considered normal in this realm?" Marisa's query echoed through the air, prompting a sharp retort from the fairy, "Absolutely not! Your worldly logic does not apply here."

The incredulity in Elfijyah's response highlighted the stark differences between Marisa's world and this unfamiliar territory. While Marisa's limited experiences beyond the forest had been few, her encounters had left lasting impressions, such as the time she tested her flight skills and confronted the wolves. Apart from these rare ventures, she had embraced a reclusive existence within the confines of the great forest, making this journey a notable departure from her usual routine.

Marisa let out a sigh, acknowledging her lack of common sense in this unfamiliar world. However, she found solace in the multitude of books within Illianaro's collection. Unable to resist the temptation, she delved into the pages, immersing herself in stories and magical theories that captivated her interest. Yet, amid the enchanting narratives, Marisa couldn't comprehend why a singular spell required an entire book.

While she appreciated the intricacies of each created spell, she questioned the necessity of such elaborate documentation. In her view, couldn't they simply condense the content and focus on the theoretical aspects instead of detailing each spell individually? Marisa believed that a single book should encompass a diverse array of spells rather than fixating on a solitary incantation, deeming anything less as mere filler material lacking substance.

Upon reaching the Wind Port in the demon continent, Marisa made a conscious decision not to land directly at the port itself. Opting for a more cautious approach, she touched down at a safe distance and proceeded on foot.

Upon arriving at the bustling port, Marisa was captivated by the diverse array of individuals present—a melting pot of humans, beasts, demons, and seafolk intermingling in this vibrant hub. As curious gazes lingered upon her, drawn perhaps to her petite stature or the oversized hat perched atop her head, Marisa paid little heed to the attention.

In a land where cleanliness and refinement often signaled power and influence, the absence of bodyguards accompanying Marisa served as a subtle yet potent declaration that she was not to be trifled with. 

Moreover, her unmistakable garb marked her as a magician, the towering hat serving as a conspicuous beacon that hinted at her mystical abilities. Despite the inquisitive glances directed her way, Marisa remained unruffled, exuding an air of quiet confidence and enigmatic allure as she navigated the bustling port with purpose.

As Marisa made her way towards the adventurers' guild, traditionally known as a centralized hub for information and services catering to adventurers, she contemplated the notion of joining their ranks. However, the prospect of becoming an official adventurer did not align with her current aspirations as a seasoned magician.

Preferring the autonomy and flexibility that came with being a solo mercenary, Marisa opted to forgo the confines of guild regulations and memberships. By operating independently, she could pursue her magical endeavors without being tethered to the guild's rules and potential penalties for her unconventional methods.

Embracing her status as a lone wolf in the mercenary world, Marisa will relish the freedom to chart her course without the constraints of group dynamics or hierarchical structures. With no companions to answer to or risk incurring fines for her actions, she found solace in the independence and self-reliance that defined her solitary path as a formidable magician and mercenary.

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