2 - How to Spend 10 Million Dollars in College

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I am filthy freakin' rich. 

I'm just letting you know that right now.

Practically overnight I inherited Ten Million Dollars from a Great Aunt Something-Something. I didn't even know the woman and she gave me all this money! I'm set for life!

The best part about all of this is I'm only in college. I get to ride out this wealth for the rest of my life! I'm going to be rich and famous because rich people are always famous. I'm going to throw the best parties, have all the coolest new gear, and wear all the latest fashion. I'm going to live the life I've always wanted since I was a little girl. I've been dreaming to be rich since I was six years old because every six year old wants a pony for their birthday. Back then my parents told me they didn't have enough money to buy or keep a pony. That broke my heart. But I'm rich now. I could afford to keep ten ponies if I wanted.

I woke up early because my head was swimming with so many thoughts. Which, for me, was saying something because my first class of the day wasn't until like 11am. I couldn't sit still. My shiny new bank card was burning a hole in my wallet, begging to be swiped in a card reader and I couldn't stop thinking of all the things I wanted to buy. 

I left home and walked to an outdoor mall that was only about two miles away. I should have driven, but I had all this energy I needed to use up somehow and walking felt like the best way.

As soon as I entered the mall I made a B-line for my favorite store, Forever 21, but I paused in front of a Pandora jewelry store. It used to be a store I wouldn't have given a second thought or a second glance to, but I was a ten times millionaire now and I could totally afford it.  

I entered Pandora and walked up to the charm bracelet counter and peered down at all the pretty little charms under the safety glass. I flagged down the employee on the other side of the small shop. You know, the rude, snooty, and think they're better than everyone else type. He was a man in his mid sixties, small glasses, and white hair. When he saw me, he snootily looked down his nose at me.

"Can I help you?" the man asked me. 

"Yes, hi. I'd like to start a charm bracelet." I replied.

The man only sighed, as if he thought helping me would be such a chore, "Alright. Would you like the black, gold, or silver band? The black band is cheaper."

"I actually prefer the black band." I said. 

"Yes, the cheaper band it is." he said as he pulled out a black velvet box with light blue satin inline and set it down on the glasstop. He then grabbed a black band and set it inside the velvet box. "Now, which charm would you like?" he questioned.

"That one, that one, that one, that one, that one...that one, and....ooh, that one!" I said as I pointed at several of the charms.

"This isn't like Claire's where everything is cheap and plastic. We carry a higher quality of jewelry and price it as such. Why don't you run along to Hot Topic or wherever it is you usually shop." he said snootily. 

This guy was just assuming I was poor and that really pissed me off. "Listen, did you hear about those two sisters who inherited ten million dollars? Well, I'm one of them and I wanted to spend some of it in your store, but now I think I'll take my business elsewhere." I said before I slowly started to walk out of the store. 

The man immediately changed his tune and said, "Miss, I am so very sorry for the misunderstanding! Usually charm bracelet beginners buy only one or two charms at a time. Hardly ever does someone come in wanting seven charms and the band all at once." 

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