6 - How to Spend 10 Million Dollars on Christmas Cookies

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Roxas heard Nakita on Vanitas' motorcycle fade off into the distance as he walked into the living room where Ven was playing video games. 

"What took you so long?" Ven asked as he continued to play his game. 

"Nakita was outside. She pulled up on Vanitas' motorcycle, we talked for a few minutes and then she left." Roxas replied.

"Vanitas?" Ven chuckled, "What, did she buy his friendship or something?" he questioned.

"I don't know." Roxas said with a sigh, "Hey, do you believe what Kairi said Yuffie said about Nakita?" he asked.

Ven shrugged and paused the game. "Neither one of them are very reliable when it comes to telling the truth." he replied.

Roxas raised an eyebrow, "So are you on Nakita's side?" 

"Well, I'm not volunteering to stand behind her loyally, but I'm not off her side either." Ven replied.

Roxas nodded, having more to think about.

Ven went back to his video game and Roxas plopped down on the other side of the couch and watched the game his brother played. His thoughts started to drift. He never knew the cookies he hoarded away from Ven every Christmas were made special just for him. Nakita always personally delivered a tin to him and never once did he say thank you. He was starting to feel guilty.

"... -Roxas!"

Roxas shook his head, clearing the drift, and glanced over at Ven who was staring right at him.

"What the hell dude? I called your name like six times! Where'd you go?" he chuckled.

"Did you know Nakita's family hasn't distributed Christmas cookies in years?" Roxas asked, not answering Ven's question.

Ven shrugged, "Makes sense to me."

"Huh?" Roxas asked.

Ven shrugged, "Everyone we know used to get those cookies. You didn't notice?" 

Roxas shook his head, 

"Do you even remember how you received them last year?" Ven asked.

"I wish I didn't. She came up to the front door, dressed in thick winter clothing as it had snowed the night before. She was wearing a pair of grey fuzzy earmuffs and a matching pair of knit gloves-"

"I remember those earmuffs. She looked really cute wearing them." Ven interrupted.

Roxas groaned and rolled his eyes, "She held out a round red tin and brightly said 'Merry Christmas!' I snatched the tin out of her hands and slammed the door in her face... I'm a terrible person, aren't I?" 

"When it comes to her...you can be a jerk sometimes." Ven said quietly. 

"I need to make it up to her somehow." Roxas said guiltily.

"When the time is right, I think you'll find a way." Ven said with a nod.

X - - - - - X - - - - - X 

-- The Next Morning -- 

Roxas woke up a little before 7am - two hours earlier than usual on a Saturday because he has such a difficult time sleeping. His guilt was continuing to eat away at him. It was just something he couldn't let go. 

He glanced out his bedroom window which faced Nakita's bedroom window. Every night when she went to bed she'd close her curtains and when she woke up - usually around 8am - she'd open the curtains again. But here it was, ten minutes shy of 7, and her curtains were still open. He wondered if she even came home last night. He knew one person who'd know for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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