5 - How to Spend 10 Million Dollars on Maid Service

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I woke up the next morning still in the clothes I was wearing the night before. I didn't remember much after Nakita left. Just picking up a cup full of blue punch and dancing with several partners. I don't remember what time the party ended, when everyone started to leave, or when I passed out. 

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and glanced around the room. It was a disaster. 

Zack, Prompto, and Reno, three of my friends since high school were passed out on the floor. 

I found Yuffie already awake and in the kitchen. She was chugging a bottle of water while making a pot of coffee. "Morning." she said when she noticed I was awake.

"Morning." I echoed quietly as I sat down on one of the kitchen bar stools. 

"Here, drink this." Yuffie said as she set down a bottle of water in front of me, "It'll help." she added.

"Thanks." I muttered as I twisted the cap off and took a sip. "So how should we wake up the guys?" I questioned.

Yuffie's eyes brightened, "I have an air horn under my bed from the last football game. Should I go get it?"

"If I wasn't hung over myself I'd say do it. But my head hurts so no." I replied as I drank more water.

"Fine." Yuffie pouted. "Can I at least kick them until they wake up and then call them crazy when they accuse me of kicking them?" 

I shrugged, "I mean, if you want to sure. But I'm not coming to your rescue when they wake up."

"I don't need a rescuer! I'm a great ninja!" Yuffie stated proudly as she jumped into a super hero pose.

"Okay, you do you." I mumbled.

Yuffie grinned widely and bounced over to Reno. He would be her first victim. 

Meanwhile, I took over the coffee-making duty. I needed at least one cup to function after last night.

X - - - - - X - - - - - X

About a half hour later, Yuffie had successfully woken up the three guys and unsuccessfully denied kicking them awake. 

They cornered her on the couch and had every right for the sour looks on their faces. I think she got Zack in the kidneys.

I knew if I didn't do something, they would have made their way outside and cause a scene. "Fellas! I have a proposition for you!" I called out which pulled their attention away from Yuffie and she scrambled away from them. 

"What kind of proposition?" Prompto questioned. 

"I'll pay you a total of $100 if you clean up the dorm and wait for the rental people to come pick up their property." I offered.

"That's less than $34 each." Zack pointed out.

"We won't do it for less than $150 each." Reno haggled.

I sighed, "I'll make it $100 each, but you guys better make this place spotless and I mean spotless."

Zack nodded, agreeing to the terms and Reno and Prompto smiled. 

"But if you guys break or steal anything, you'll all owe me $100. Is that clear?" I added. I knew the guys couldn't go without breaking something. They were clumsy as hell.

Prompto and Reno's smiles fell.

"Crystal." Zack replied still.

"If they're cleaning, what are we gonna do?" Yuffie asked.

I smiled, "I have an idea."

"...Are you gonna tell me?" 

"Go get dressed. I'll tell you after." I instructed.

I walked into my room and opened my closet and started to pull together the outfit I wanted to wear, but paused when I heard Yuffie yelp in the bathroom and I hurried over to her to make sure she was okay.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stepped in.

"Someone yacked in the shower." Yuffie said.

Shivers ran down my spine and I mumbled, "Ewww gross!"

"Zack! Front and center! I've got a special job for you!" Yuffie called out.

I giggled and walked out of the bathroom just as Zack walked in.

A moment later, I heard him loudly question, "Why is it still blue?!"

I changed into a white baby tee, blue denim shorts, and black cowgirl boots. Yuffie was wearing a blue and white horizontally striped tank top, black denim shorts, and black flip flops. 

"So where are we going?" Yuffie asked as we left the dorm. When I pulled out my cell phone and summoned an Uber Yuffie added, "Why are we not taking your Mom's car?"

"Because I don't know how to get the two of us are going to get three cars back here." I replied.

Yuffie raised an eyebrow and questioned, "Three cars?" 

I nodded, "Uh-huh. I'm taking you up on your suggestion. I'm going to get my dream car and you're getting yours too." 

Yuffie grinned from ear to ear and asked, "You're buying me a car?!" 

I smiled at her just as the Uber pulled up and we both climbed into the back seat. "Downtown Auto Center, please." I told the driver.

X - - - - - X - - - - - X

Yuffie and I were dropped off at Auto Row, a street that was a mile long with car dealerships lined all the way down it. It was a car-lover's paradise.

"So what are you gonna get?" Yuffie asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. What are you thinking about?" 

Yuffie grinned and said, "I think I want a Lamborghini." 


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