Ishan's prank

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A night before the disaster

The house was very peaceful and it was very weird. No shouts, prank, crying but complete pin drop silent. Rohit entered the drawing room as he saw Tilak and Bumrah talking with each other, Shreyas Surya Shubman using their phones, Hardik lying on the couch while staring at the ceiling and laughing to himself
'God knows what he's thinking' Rohit whispers. Jadeja on the corner learning some tiktok moves. Rohit looked around the room while staring at his lazy ass members.

Rohit: why so quiet guys?? Did i enter the wrong house??

Everyone look up as they saw their captain.

Surya: I was missing this silence

Tilak: This must be a headline .

Rohit: isn't it weird? Something is off *Rohit said as he one's more scan around the room, when he finally realized someone was missing*
Where is Ishu??

Shubman: He's behaving abit weird since morning. Like laughing to himself inside the bathroom..i heard was like mwuahhhh

Hardik: i saw him chuckling to himself while staring at the door..

Rohit: like you did just now

Hardik: huh...

Surya: I SAW TOO he was standing near the refrigerator and laughing to himself while holding a milk box.

Tilak: i saw him in the kitchen chuckling to himself while eating something..

Bumrah: what a coincidence everybody saw something.. I saw him outside playing with wet muds..

Jadeja: everybody ! I didn't saw him since morning!!!!

Rohit: something is fishy... Shubman go and check Ishu

Shubman walk towards his and Ishan's shared bedroom.He entered the bedroom slowly where he saw Ishan sitting on a chair writing down something.

Shubman just looked at him and came back where  rest of the members where waiting for him.

Rohit: what's he doing?

Shubman: he's writing something..

Jadeja: guysss isn't it good that he's not so restless today?? Just cool down and enjoy the day, you may not get the moment for so long

The rest of the member just shrugged it off and started doing their own work

The next day-

Ishan' pov
Hahaha hohoho heehee the devil's back my dear members.

Shubman was sitting on the bed while scrolling on his phone when Ishan went and stood infront of him.

Ishan: shubi say ahhh..i made a cake for you...

Shubman(looking up): cake?

Ishan: yes Shubi say ahh..i made it with all my blood sweat and tears..say ahhh

Shubman opened his mouth as Ishan took the cake from the plate and feeded him.

(he spitted out the muddy cake he had just tasted)
You!!! Bastard!!!!

Shubman started chasing Ishan who ran out from the room laughing.
Shubman: Rohit bhai!!! Hold himm!!!
*Shubman said as Ishan went behind Rohit*

Rohit: what happened?? Started the drama so early in the morning

Shubman: HE-...HE...HE
(Shub said as he continuously clean his inner mouth with his hand)

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