Shrey-Ish (fluff)

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When he forgot about his birthday-

The day before his birthday Ishan was really happy as the upcoming day was his birthday. He heard everyone talking about his birthday celebration and that they wanted a treat from him, he was happy that everyone remembered his birthday.. But it was just that Shreyas never spoke anything related to that topic with him but he would swiftly ignore it and think that Shreyas is planning a surprise for him.

18 July-
The D-day for Ishan's birthday had finally arrived and he was jumping around in Happiness. Everyone from far and near friends and families sended him well wishes, whereas the ICT team had also made him a surprise birthday party.

Surya: Happiest birthday Ishu~~~

Hardik: my baby is growing up..(fake sob) happy birthday baby

Virat: happy birthday Ish, may you have a long life and abundance of Happiness in your life ~~

Rohit: my bacha~~ come to papa
*he said while hugging Ishan* i love you bacha ..Happiest birthday to you

*the other ict team wish him too*

Songs were played while they danced around. Well literally everyone was enjoying except one. Ishan was sat at the  corner looking at his watch while huffing

Ishan: 8:02 p.m .....where is he?? I didn't saw him since morning... He Isn't even Calling me....

Virat: Ish what happen? Why do you look so gloomy?

Ishan: bhai...i-its ..just that Shreyas...

Virat: wait..don't tell me that Shre hasn't wish you yet..

Ishan: well..he didn't.. I don't even know where he is..he isn't picking up my call nor even calls me..

Virat:..wait a min..Ish..
*than he started searching for Rohit, after he spotted him he called Rohit who came along with Siraj and Rishabh*

Virat(whispering): Ro..did you tell Shreyas..? Like reminded him?

Rohit: what? Reminded?
*he asked with a confuse face*

Virat: aishh i told you this morning to remind Shreyas that today is Ish's birthday.. Incase ..or by chance he forgets..!

*and the colour vanishes from Rohit's face..he totally look like a dead body *

Rohit: i-i-i forgot..

Virat: ROHIT!!!

Siraj: goshhhh bhai why are you screaming??

Ishan: vi bhai ...what happen?? And Ro bhai you too??

Virat: I-ish have you tried Calling Shreyas again?
*he chuckled nervously and ask Ishan*

Ishan: no..

Virat: Than lets try again..wait ill call him
*he dialled on Shreyas number*

The person you're Calling is not answering, please call again later
*he tried 5 times*

Ishan: Did he forgot about my birthday..??

Rishabh: how can he forget his own boyfriend's birthday Ish..

Siraj: what if he is planning a big surprise for you?

Rohit: just wait a few more mins Ish..he'll be back..

Well mins turn into hours.


Everyone had left except Siraj, Rishabh, Rohit and Virat .

Ishan: h-he forgot... He f-forgot
*Ishan started crying while others tried to Comfort him*

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