Tongue Twister but...

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Tongue Twister but someone ended up crying....

Six members of the ICT were all lying down scrolling on their phones in Virat's room while the others had gone out for some work or for other things nobody needed to know.

Bumrah and Jadeja were sitted on one of the couch, Virat on the bed while Ishan laid his head on Virat's thigh. Rohit sleeping on the edge of the bed, and Rishabh on the floor.

Rishabh(groan): Guysss! Isn't it too boring?? I'm gonna soon shit my pants because of bored-ness...! Lets do something!

Four of them looked at Rishabh who had already stood up from the floor looking like a totally irritated gorilla.

Virat(sigh): what do you want to do?

Rishabh: i don't know....

Rohit: let's go out a-

Bumrah: it's too sunny outside..So..a BIG NO!

Ishan: why do you need to make your Big Bigger when its already Big , everyone knows a Big is Big (giggling to himself)

Rohit: what the hell do you wanna say?

Jadeja: i got a better idea (smiling)

Rishabh: and what is it??

Jadeja(smirk): let me tell you the Jamna-

R/I/V/Ro/B: No!!!!

Jadeja: wh-

Ishan: let's play tongue twister (smile)

Virat: ok

Jadeja: wait! But you guys said no to me!! The story is very interesting (whining)

Rohit: we've all heard the story from you for 1000000000... Times! Even the newbies of the team knows! All the ICT management knows too! Your Jamnagar story, I'm fed up totally fed up

(Everyone started laughing )

Bumrah: lets play the tongue Twister it sounds fun, Ishu why dont you lay out the rules

Ishan: ok, Six of us are here so Bumrah bhai  will say the words to Jaddu bhai and he have to say that in one go no second chance. Than Jaddu bhai to Vi bhai to Ro bhai to Rishu to Me and I'll say to Bumrah bhai..ok? And will lose one point for any grammatical mistake

The five of them nodded to the youngest among them, but who knew Starting this game was a disastrous.

Bumrah: Jaddu bhai say this Six Czech cricket critics

Jadeja: Six zag cricket critics (smirk)

Bumrah: spelling of Czech?

Jadeja: z-a-g

Bumrah(laughs): nopeee its C-z-e-c-h

Jadeja: tffffff

Ishan: loses one point so its 9/10, next

Jadeja: ok say .. Sort three short sword sheaths (2×speed )

Virat: sort three short shwart she

Ishan(laughing): the hell was that!! Shwar shwar shwar

Bumrah: 0 points bhai,  now your turn

Virat: How can a clam cram in a clean cream can

Rohit(deep breath): ok...How can a clam cram in a clean cream cream.....Yeahhh

Rishabh: woah!!!

Ishan: you nailed it Ro bhaiya

Rohit(patting his own shoulder): Rishabh say this Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery

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