A friend..?

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The member of the Ict well (half) that could be Rohit, virat, Shubman , Surya,shreyas,Bumrah, Jadeja,Rishabh,Hardik,Rahul were all sitting peaceful with no disturbance until then When their 'pocket dynamo' ran towards them with the widest smile.

Ishan: GUYSS!!! Guess what!!!!!
*he started jumping around out of Happiness*

Shubman: Ishu what happen?

Ishan: A friend of mine is coming over here any minute!!!! You guys know him he's pretty famous!!!!
*Ishan clap his hand together while Starring at his team members confused face*

Hardik: uh..Ravindra??

Ishan: goshhh no! And we aren't that close.

Surya: Mitchell!! Yes for sure

Ishan:*sigh*: bhaiya i just helped him ones..

Rohit: Shubman do you know your bestfriend *friend*??

Shubman: i don't know...

Ishan: You'll know when he's co-

??: Ishan!!!

All of them traced their heads towards the voice. The team members jaw drops unable to move from their places except Ishan who ran and hug that person who called him.

The stranger hug back Ishan while waving his hand towards the Ict team with a warm smile.

Virat: wait...that's

Hardik: Paulo

Shreyas: Dybalo....

Ishan: guys this is the *friend* im talking about. Paulo this is the ICT member

Paulo: hi! Guys

Virat: Hi! Goshhh can't believe im seeing you here InFront of me

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Virat: Hi! Goshhh can't believe im seeing you here InFront of me..

Paulo(smile): same..im like your biggest fan

Time skip>>

All of them were sitted inside the drawing room, talking about their lifes, family etc. All the ICT members were pretty enjoying Paulo's presence except one and that was Gill.

Shubman's pov/
Why didn't Ishan said anything about him before? I never heard about him from Ishan...they seem pretty close..

Shreyas: so deep in thoughts

Shubman: tff when did you get here?

Shreyas: we sat down on this couch together bro

Shubman: never saw you

Shreyas: what were you thinking??

Shubman: nothing..

Shreyas: its about Ishu right?

Shubman: w-what no..? What do you mean by that?

Rishabh: cause we know Shub

Shubman: tff when did you get here!

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