Always you.

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A short oneshot~

Another Day where Ishan felt insecure of himself. His mother had always told him to just listen to any negative words thrown towards him with the other ear and let it go through the Another ear. But if he wasn't able to do that his mother would be always there for him, but now she Isn't cause Ishan had move out to his husbands house after the marriage.


All the Gill family had went out for some work  except Ishan. He was left alone in the house so due to boredom he decided to watch television. After hours of watching and flipping the channels he decided to go back to the bedroom until a loud knock echoed through the empty house.

(Ishan went to open the door hoping that it will be one of the Gill's)

??: Poo- you..

Ishan: oh..Mrs.Sharma

Mrs.Sharma: why do the house look so empty? Nobody's here??

Ishan: yeah..they all went out for some work..

(Mrs.Sharma took a sit on the couch. So, Mrs.Sharma was that kind of lady who thinks that 'Beauty and money' is just Everything in life, typical aunt who's not everybody's favourite in short.)

Ishan: Mrs.Sharma..would you like to have something..

Mrs.Sharma: no

Ishan quietly sat on the other side of the coach. For Ishan it was very awkward he didn't have anything to say or do he was hoping someone would just come and save him from this awkwardness

Mrs.Sharma: How did Shubman even agreed to marry you?

Ishan: huh..?

Mrs.Sharma: I mean like he's handsome, rich never knew he has a cheap taste.

Ishan: Mrs.Sharma that was so rude of yo-

Mrs.Sharma: who are you to say that to me! I can say whatever i want . Now i know you must have trick Shubman to marry you or you just married him for his money!

Ishan: Mrs.Sharma you're getting it wrong, your thinking it wrong an-

Mrs.Sharma: oii!!! What do you even think about yourself?!!! Face that look like a monkey and body of a pig!! You know what! I've always wished to let my daughter marry Shubman but you ruined it! With your bitch face! Faggot.

Ishan stood their silently consuming the words thrown towards him by Mrs.Sharma like daggers. He wanted to cry out but he know it would be useless, he always felt alot of insecurity + getting angry on himself for being too sensitive.

Mrs.Sharma: May Shubman get fade up with you and divorce you so-


Both Mrs.Sharma and Ishan look towards the owner of the voice, both shock as they didn't heard the presence behind them as they were both very remorse in their words and thoughts.

Mrs.Sharma: Brother....i did-

Mrs.Gill: Stop the Act Priyanka!!! We heard it!! You don't have the right to say anything to my baby!!

Mrs.Sharma: i was just showing his place
(She argued back)

Shubman: And I'll show yours Mrs.Sharma!!! GET OUT!! DON'T YOU EVER STEP YOUR DIRTY FEET IN THIS HOUSE!

Mrs.Sharma: Shub-

Shubman: GET OUT!!!

Shahneel: She won't listen like this!
(She held Mrs.Sharma's arm while dragging her and throwing her out of the house)

After Shahneel drag her away everyone's attention trace back to Ishan who was standing quietly the whole time.

Shubman: Ishu...

Ishan: i-uh....I'll be going to the room ones...excuse me...
(Ishan without wasting any sec ran towards his and Shubman's bedroom)

Mr.Gill: Shubman go..console him

------Ishaman's bedroom-------

Ishan was sitting on the floor beside the bed. Deep in his thoughts rethinking about Mrs.Sharma's words.

Ishan's pov/
What if..Shubman think that I married him only because of his money? What if he misunderstood it...I'll be losing him forever... I won't be able to live without him...I may look ugly and be poor but i love Shubi

Shubman: And i love you too Ishu

Ishan: Shubi....

*Shubman went and sat beside ishan*

Shubman: Ishu..don't listen to what she said, she's just talking nonsense..

Ishan: but i promise...Shubi i didn't marry you because of your money...bit because i-i love you Shubi...

Shubman: i know baby..
*he pulled ishan into a hug*

Ishan: please...Shubi...never leave me for someone else...please..
I love you so much Shubi...please...

Shubman: Ishan Gill look here! I'm never leaving you! Keep that in your lil head! Even if you want to stay away from me , I'm never letting you do it! You're stuck with me forever! My heart beats only for you, i breathe only for you! I can't even imagine my life without you.
*He said holding Ishan's gave while pecking his nose,cheeks, forehead*

Ishan(smile): I love you shubi!!!!!!
(He hugs him tightly totally like a kid letting Shubman chuckle at his cuteness)

Shubman: i love you too baby..

Ishman oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now