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The Gill bedroom totally look like a typhoon had just knock out the whole room. Clothes spread all over the room, shoes lying on different side of the room corner while  Shubman sat between the pile of Clothes in the bed.

Shubman: Ish? Are you not done till now? *he said while sighing for thousand times for the past 2 hour*

Ishan: give me just 3 mins..promise

Shubman: you have been saying that for the past 2 hours..we are getting late

Ishan: fine~ im done lets go..

The reason for the mess was Ishman were invited to a party by one of their old mates.

Shubman: lets go

Shubman: Listen carefully Ish no "funny business" out there, i know there will be  people we only know but there might be others too which we DON'T know

Ishan: you've been saying the same shit from the past week Shub..i know how to care for myself..

Shubman: i know you will Ish but i don't just trust people.. Ok stick with me

Ishan(sigh): fine

Time skip-
Ishman were already in the place where they were asked to come. They look around mesmerized by the interior decoration.

Siraj: My boys!!!
*he hug both Shubman and Ishan*

Shubman: Siraj bhai how are you?

Siraj: fine as always~~ ayyy my lil munchkin how are you~

Ishan: im fine and stop Calling me that-ill have a nightmare again!

Siraj: But you are tho my lil kitten munchkin cinnamon roll i-

Virat: Siraj miya why are you already torturing my baby

Ishan: VI BHAI!!!!
*HE went and jump on him*

Virat(smile): goshhh Ishu..i miss you soo much

Ishan: i miss you tooooooo Vi bhaiiiii

Shubman: Hi bhai~

Virat: Hi shub~

Surya: won't you hug me Ishu??

*Ishan hug Surya*

Siraj: Goshhh I'm the only one who Ishan DIDN'T did that~

Ishan: i won't even dare too- you're my worst nightmare

Shubman: Vi bhai where is Rohit bhai and others?

Virat: Ro-

Rohit: Hi guys~

Siraj: long life~~ we were just talking about you

Rohit(smile): oh~ goshhh it's been a few year we didn't met and Shubman you grew more taller (chuckle) looks like an eiffel tower and where is my Ishu Mishu~~ can't see him?

Ishan(pout): Ro bahi~~

Rohit: i can hear him..where is he?
*Rohit look around the hall*

Ishan: stop with the act you wild panda!!

Rohit: where is h-oh here you are my baby i didn't saw you..
*he went to hug Ishan but got ignored*

Ishan: i won't hug you~~No i won't even talk with you!

Rohit(smile): sorry...i was just kidding ~~   forgive me~

Ishan look at Rohit and instantly hug him

Ishan(pout): i hate you

Rohit: i love you~

Time skip 😵

Ishman oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now