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"Maybe he doesn't remember me, well there is no reason for that also. I guess it's time for me to forget him as well." I am drinking coffee in a cafe and my thoughts tease me again. But something's different, these are strong. "I should forget him now, this is it.....I will get over him, it's been 10 years anyway." The moment I decided to get over him, those eyes crossed paths through my eyes again. Those deep oceanic eyes I wished never to see again. That reminds me when I first saw him.

FLASHBACK (15 years back)

First day of school in class 7th. The first time the classes had shuffled too. I was all alone, all my friends got separated. New faces, and new feelings, which was weird to me. It was difficult for me to adjust to that kind of environment. Trying to avoid my awkwardness, I was sitting alone in the corner. School started after a while. I was missing my friends, but I had to surrender myself to the situation. Well.... I didn't know that sitting alone in the corner could bring a big change in my life.

School started after a while. I was missing my friends, but I had to surrender myself to the situation. Well.... I didn't know that sitting alone in the corner could bring a big change in my life.

The image is still clear in my mind. On the same day, when the teacher came, she decided to conduct an interesting activity.

She asked us to chat with our respective partners for 2 minutes and then introduce them.

As for me, I was sitting alone, so I was trying to find someone else like me to be a part of this. My eyes stopped at the other side of the corner. I saw a girl sitting alone, so I went there and asked her if I could sit with her. She agreed. Then we started introducing ourselves to each other.

I looked at her, she was short, chubby, had big eyes with big round glasses on them, and her long hair was adding beauty to her. She was looking adorable. "Hi! My name is Aradhna Verma" her soft voice came to my ears. "Hello! My name is Asha Mittal" I replied with mine. In a few minutes, we became friends. That made me a bit comfortable.

After a while, the activity started to happen. One by one, Everyone Introduces their desk mate. I wasn't paying much attention to any and waiting for my turn.

My ears woke up at one voice. It was deep and clear. I looked at the owner of the voice. I was only able to see his back and a little bit of his left profile. I could see his smile for once, it was sweet and cute. He then suddenly turned his face, he had a bright face, fair skin, and a big smile, and his eyes, were like bright sun, his personality seemed charming to me . When his partner was introducing him, I got to know that his name was Ankit.....Ankit Goel.

I snapped out of my thoughts and soon our turn came, and we both described each other. After the activity, I thanked Aria and went to my seat. She seemed nice to me.

After a while, I heard the bell...the sign of break. I was super happy thinking about meeting my friends. I felt I was going to meet them after years. I quickly ran towards the class of one of my friends. "Finally, although it's for a while only, I would be there with them at least." I was so happy.

I soon reached there, and there, I saw all my friends. My happiness turned 100 times more. But something was off with their face when they turned to see me. They were looking at me with annoyance.

"What are you doing here?" one of them asked. Wasn't that a weird question, it was obvious I came to meet them. "To meet you all," I said but with a low voice pitch. "And why?" I was baffled why were they asking all that? "Now we get are here because we are your friends." One of them said but I smelled sarcasm. The situation I was in, was unusual for me. I felt like I was meeting a few completely different people. "Ohh dear, you are too naïve, we are in different classes now, we don't need you anymore."

Those words were like a knife to me. The pain I was feeling was unexplainable. I was too stunned to react. I stepped back and went back to my class. I didn't know how to react or behave and the most important thing was, that I was alone, again...


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