Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

With a heavy heart and broken trust, I went back home. I was too numb to react. I wished I had someone, with whom I could share my pain, with whom I could talk, who could understand my state at that time. I then saw my mother, enough to shatter my hope. Both of my parents neglected me from childhood. Whenever I try to share anything with them....they would always tell me to go away and not to irritate them. This was one of the reasons, I hid my feelings in me.

I went to my room and cried a lot. I thought those were my real friends, they understood me. But, I was again become a fool in the name of friendship.

I was bullied by my so-called friends when I was around 5 or 6, in school. They used to throw water on me, pull my hair, or even beat me whenever I refused to do their work. Leaving the fact that they always comment on my looks, my nature, and even the way I behave. That made me feel worthless. And whenever I tried to say all those to my parents, they simply said to go away. Those too call themselves my friends.

Again, I came back to the same place. At that moment, I looked back at the memories of mine with them. I realized, they never treated me as their friend. Never included me in talks, never told me about any plans, and never shared their work with me. But whenever they wanted something from me, they came to me and requested me politely to do that which I could not reject. And then, when we were not in the same class, they didn't need me anymore.

I was shattered, broken, and hurt like someone stabbed me in my heart and it was paining. The blood was coming out in the form of tears uncontrollably but I had no medicine to heal that.

The next day in school, I was alone, again. I entered the class, found an empty seat in the corner, and sat there. Not wanting to think about the previous day's incident again. I opened the book and started studying. The only person I knew at that time was Aradhna. But I didn't remember her face, only her name. Anyway, I was studying with all my concentration which made my mind divert for a while. But again, in the break, I was alone, all alone.

I decided to get out of the class and roam around a bit. I needed fresh air. I was walking in the playground where all the school was playing. I was with my thoughts, which were broken by someone who called someone else. My attention didn't go to the person but the name. Unknowingly a smile came on my lips. I realized that it was some random kid calling out his friend.

But that name reminded me of a person with the same name. He was my friend, family friend to be precise. He was the one who made me believe in friendship. He was there for me when no one was.

I first met him when I was in 2nd. We met and became good friends. Later there was a small drawing competition in which I took part and my elder brother was forced to take part. I came 1st. But everyone was consoling my brother when he was not even sad. No one was talking about me. Neglecting me.

I just sat in a corner and was sobbing. Suddenly he came and gave me a tissue. He didn't say anything. Just sat beside me and hugged me. I was too numb to react. I just cried on his shoulder.

He was the only one who listened to me without any questions without any judgment. He always tried to make me laugh. Always helped me with my work. He never asked any questions nor made me feel worthless.

Dhruv...Dhruv Yadav.


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