Piece by piece is how to solve things

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Author pov

After hearing Chae-won's explanation and why that was possible, Jun-ho's mind seemed to clear up. Because something like this is so unlikely that the killer probably thought that it would never find out and wastes time searching for an actual weapon. After the meet up he drove as fast as the law of the traffic allows him to go. The moment he got out he walked asap into the police station.

Jun-ho ran as fast as he could to the whole team. "IT'S AN ICICLE!" he screamed through the whole room.The confusion on everyone's face was obvious. "What do you mean?" agent Ki-hyun asked him, being clearly shocked to hear the head inspector lose his cool. "The murder weapon." he said before taking a deep breath. "It's an icicle." Another of the agents looked up to him and went. "How do you know that for sure? And how would that even be possible." Jun-ho took the time to sit down and explain everything to them.

"The stabs were too big and round to be a knife and there was no mark of them twisting the knife ,right? Otherwise, the skin would be worn out from the scratches of the knife. Screwdrivers are way too small to do that" Ki-hyun questioned it again. "How did you then come with an icicle as a weapon? What makes you think that could be it?" Jun-ho went on with his explanation.

 "The dried salt left on the victims. Ice can come in any shape and well preserved it can even be used as a chair." he said clearing up everyone's thoughts. The whole team formed an 'o' shape with their mouths. "But that doesn't explain the traces of dried salt. Cause there was no salt elsewhere than the clothes and where they were laying." One of the agents said being curious about that detail. "Well actually it does if the killer made an icicle from salted water instead of freshwater to make it melt way faster at house temperature." says agent Min-a.

Another of the workers entered the area with some documents. "Sir, we found something weird on the devices of the victims." she said with a rather alarmed tone in her voice. "What's wrong?" Jun-ho said quickly standing next to her. "All of them were playing the exact same game on their computer before dying." The team laughed. "Just that? Those are teenagers and they all play the same games. That is nothing alarming." Said Mina, almost chuckling.

"What game is it?" Jun-ho asked, he knew that Ji-su didn't like regular mainstream games. He also completely forgot about the presence of the laptops in each of the crime scenes. "Spider, an online card game where you have to order the card in the right symbol and from the king to the one or A but.." she searched through the files. "Here, you can see weirdly that the site itself froze on a specific card. A of spades, sir."

"All of them were playing the same game and the game froze on the exact same card." Jun-ho repeated. He was skeptical about the new information."It could just be a mistake of the game itself you know. Nowadays most games have started lagging on sites." ki-hyun said, seeing no link to anything. Jun-ho kept thinking. The same game, lagged on the same card and strangely enough the same site. "Hackers... They could have got hacked but, why? and who could hack them? "

Jun-ho began to think even further. Suddenly something came to his mind. "Did we receive the student tracking system from their principal?" ki-hyun nodded in response. "Well check if they have any teacher or student in common. That teacher could be the only one who knows everything about them, by checking what they do in their free time and when they are home or not."

Everyone got back to work. They knew that the killer would stay silent for a long while but, not knowing where and who his potential new victim is made everyone worried. The killer was fast and quick in what he was doing and certainly was a few steps ahead of them. They knew that as a cops they can not save everyone but, it didn't mean they didn't have to try. 

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