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Author pov

Chae-won was playing but in front of her apartment block Jun-ho was driving at full speed to her parents house. He realized way too late what was going on. Knowing exactly what she was doing right now he was dead worried. He cursed himself for not stopping her or not checking on her earlier on . He was scared, worried and felt like he was going to explode. He was just hoping that she was safe on her way back home now but..... that's not the case.

Chase-won was still playing on her phone. She was very close to finishing the game until the card A spades appeared on her screen. Her screen froze immediately and she couldn't play anymore. She looked confused since it never happened before, her phone was just new. She shrugged it off and placed her phone on the table and went on with her investigation.

Since she was not ready to go home with nothing as evidence she wanted to continue and look more. She kept looking and looking but found nothing. After a while she told herself that she would just come back tomorrow. She went back to the living room to gather her stuff.

Suddenly she heard footsteps. She looked around the living room. "Hello??" she said. " Is there someone?" she asked, waving her flashlight a bit everywhere. She then thought it might be something she imagined. After all, she was terribly lacking in sleep and was not eating well. Those things could be the causes for psychosis. She knew she could get a bit paranoid from all these events.

On Jun-ho's side he was still speeding to go to the house. A sudden light on his phone made him pull over quickly. He finally got an answer on his texts he sent her earlier. He quickly grabbed his phone and read the message. She was saying that she was at her parents' hotel to spend some time together. Seeing the message made him sigh of relief.

"Aigoo this girl. She could have just sent me something earlier." he complained out loud He knew that she was probably awkward talking to him now. Certainly because of what he did at her apartment. So he decided to send a message to her parents asking how she was doing. He didn't know that she was never the one who sent them these messages.

Because Chae-won was never at her parents' hotel but at their house and somehow, she felt like she wasn't the only one there anymore. She felt watched and observed like someone was constantly behind her.

At this point she decided to take her leave. She took her stuff and went to the front door. The moment she went to the back door to leave she heard water running from the faucet. She went to the kitchen to see the faucet running. She quickly shut it, but at that point she heard the footsteps just behind her.

At that moment Chae-won knew....... It was way too late.

She felt the coldness of the icicle already touching her neck. The only thing she did was look up and move her shoulder slyly. What she saw in the reflection made her eyes grew wide. "Park dongw-" she didn't get to finish her sentence that the icicle entered her at her collarbone. She felt her body drop to the ground and her eyes stayed wide ope.

The killer just walked backwards and looked up in the corner of the kitchen and smirked.

Most people who would see him doing so would think he is crazy. Others would know that he was smirking to the little camera that was placed in that act corner of the kitchen.

"The job is done."

The A of spades killed my sisterWhere stories live. Discover now