I won't see you again

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Author pov

It hasn't been long since Chae-won has been outside but yet it felt like ages ago. She often was getting texts from her parents asking her how she was doing and what she was doing as well. She always answered shortly saying that she was fine. The one text she was purposely avoiding was the once from Jun-ho. It wasn't awkward talking to Jun-ho but she felt bad talking to him after what happened between them. It was a feeling of guilt and regret she was feeling every time she was seeing him

Yes.. Jun-ho was her ex boyfriend but they didn't end on terrible terms nor good terms to be honest. Chase-won had another vision than him of their relationship. She just wanted to focus on her career since she just landed the job back then. Jun-ho wanted to build a family and have children since he was already a cop for a few years. This didn't work out for both of them and they had quite some arguments about it. She decided to break up with him because she didn't want to waste his life waiting for her to be ready.

However, she never imagined herself meeting him again in this kind of position. A position where they are both trying to solve the crime of her own little sister. Jun-ho knew ji-su very well and was close to the family. He kept the bond with her family even after they broke up. So this case was a hard one for him too. Honestly, she would have just preferred just meeting him by accident in a store or a bar even, but not like this.

"It will be 20.100 won (15,30 EUR) ma'am" said the cashier in front of Chae-won. She quickly paid for it and took her stuff and left without even leaving some time for the nice cashier to say goodbye. She sped through the parking lot and got into her car and drove back to her apartment. She took her stuff and went inside quickly. She threw everything that was in the bag on the table and checked if she had everything.

"Latex gloves, paper shoes and a flashlight" She said, rechecking the table. She had everything to improvise her own fingerprints kit and her own trajectory kit herself. She knew what she was doing was not legal and not good. Would be a big disaster if someone found her but she was more than ready for her own investigation on the crime scene itself.

Hours went by since then and Jun-ho was still giving his all he had to find the main suspect. He asked the principal for the list of all the teachers so he could take a look at each of them. She didn't protest and gave it to him instantly. She warned him that it would take a lot of time to print everything so she would send everything to him. Jun-ho didn't back down hearing this because he was sure that one of the teachers could give him the last clue he needed. Although there are a lot of teachers in this school, he was still determined to find something on each of them to help the case .

There was one thing that Jun-ho overlooked. The thing that all the victims had in common was the fact they all did their work on computer or on electronic devices. Whether it was uploading,designing or even tests. All the victims had to do the same. So Jun-ho knew that if he found the teacher that was in charge of their devices he would find the possible main suspect to the case. There was one problem though. There were 25 teachers in charge of that.

The night fell on Seoul and Jun-ho was still busy going through the 25 teachers. He was tired but he wanted this thing to be solved. He knew how much this meant for Chae-won and her parents so he wanted to continue. After a while he realized that he sent her a message earlier.

He checked his phone to see if she had answered his message yet and to his surprise, she left him on read. He cocked an eyebrow seeing that. He knows that it was not in her past habits to leave people on read and in a situation like this and certainly not him.

He made an attempt to call her but no response.He kept doing so but still radio silence. He started to worry. Knowing her current state of mind he knew she was too unstable to think rationally so he rushed to his car to go to her apartment. ' Chase-won, please be there' he thought as he was driving at the speed limit.

What he didn't know is that she wasn't there anymore. She already arrived at her parents' house with the stuff she needed. She didn't see any guards and went in by the backdoor. She knew it was always open in case of emergencies and it would be less obvious to pass through there.

Chae-won did her best to walk carefully through the house. She went to the living seeing that most of the items who were supposed to be there were absent. She took a look around and could unquestionably see how her sister was laying on the ground. It almost made her emotional thinking of the horrors that went down ,but she was well aware that she had absolutely no time for that.

In the meantime, Jun-ho arrived at her apartment and was knocking like crazy on her door. He was screaming and knocking so loud that her neighbors could hear him clearly. "What's all that noise about?" one of your neighbors asked while opening his door to look. Once Jun-ho spotted him he directly went up to him and asked. "Do you know where the owner of this apartment is?"

His veins were popping out heavily , his eyes were piercing through her neighbor's soul and body. The way he was intimidating him didn't go unnoticed as well. However he needed to know where she was because not knowing drove him insane. He knew he could be in trouble if he kicked the door open but, at this point he didn't really care much.

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