Chapter Eighteen | The Mistake.

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                          Evelyn Carmine POV

I woke up to the sun shinning bright in my face. But there's something, or someone blocking the light. Alethea. I'm gripping her waist with my face in the crook of her neck from behind.

What the fuck? I know it's wrong but I'm so comfortable. It obviously doesn't mean anything because I did it in my sleep. But I don't want to let go?

Alethea moves from off of my grip and turns around. I get a little scared but then I see she is still sleeping. She looks so peaceful like this. The sun leaves an orange tint on her skin. I stare at her for a little while until she slowly opens her eyes. I see her pupil grow smaller because of the sun and I shut my eyes so she couldn't see me watching.

"It's weird staring at people when they're sleeping Evelyn," I hear her say. God. Her voice is more raspy than usual.

I open my eyes again and I see that she's smiling. I smile too because I can't help it. It's rare to see her smile, even if it's fake. It's contagious.

"I wasn't staring," I say embarrassed. I feel the heat on my cheeks.

Why am I feeling like this? Why am I in her house alone? Everything I've done to her. But she still helps me. Why would she help someone like me?

I remember last night, not too much but I do remember being here. I don't know why she's in the bed with me but honestly, I'm not complaining.

All I remember is being at the party dancing with some guy. I'm not sure as to why I did this, because my boyfriend was somewhere wandering around. But at the time, I didn't think about Damien, or the guy I was dancing with. All I cared about was Aletheas eyes on me. It was working. I seen the look on her face but then she disappeared. I smiled to myself, knowing I won our silent little battle even though she didn't fight back.

Then she came in the room with one of my friends? It was Elena. She started dancing, then grinding on her from the front. I felt as if my head was going to explode. She was holding Alethea in the way I should have been. I felt the drunk man's hands on me. It didn't feel warm like Aletheas. That just pissed me off more.

I then kissed the guy to try to forget her. I tried to forget my thoughts, Elena's hands on Aletheas body where I touched her before. No one gets to touch her like I do.

I open my eyes and I see Alethea making out with Elena! I break away from my kiss and watch. Alethea opens her eyes and smirks into her kiss. I couldn't stand watching her any more. I told the man I was going to get a drink and walked away. I lied, well it was a half lie. I wasn't going to lead him on like I was before, but I was going to get a drink. 5 more shots to be exact. I drank and drank till I could barely walk anymore. I tried to forget Alethea and Elena.

I knew as soon as I got out of this party, I would ruin Elena's life. It wasn't a threat, it was a promise.

Next thing I know, the estranged man I was dancing with thought it was something more. He started asking questions and he wanted to go up into one of the rooms with me. I didn't tell him about my boyfriend. I'm very loyal. I would never do anything like that to Damien. Maybe a little kiss, but nothing more. My actions were justified with Alethea because it obviously didn't mean anything.

The drunk man held me in place on the wall before Alethea knocked him out. I was too stunned to speak. Literally. It was so sexy. Especially her dress. The dark cherry red color fits her so perfectly, especially her curves. She's never at parties so I was surprised to see her there. I've never seen her wear anything so revealing before either, and I wasn't complaining.

She never picked up one drink the whole party, she never has. I wonder why?

She took me home, after all my failed attempts of escaping her, I couldn't. I was worried even drunk, because I was afraid to go home. I only went home because I knew my mother wasn't home. What if I go to sleep, and I wake up to her being there? I can't.

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