8 [UDAY]

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At times when I hear some kid talking about how excited they are to buy the new set of school dress, I can feel a pang in my heart.

Or when they crowd up outside a stationery shop, squealing and yelling for things, I want to rush over and join them too.

But I hold back and watch them with green eyes.

The desperate urge to fall back on those days and to experience those moments when little insignificant things brought enormous happiness—pencil box, eraser, pencil, lunch break, rainy days, extra chocolate from the birthday boy and sealing the 'best friend'-ship—it is inexplicable.

I still remember the first day of my school, when I got punished for letting the rabbits out of the cage.

The poor things stole my heart and I did my heart's bidding without thinking twice.

Sometimes, you don't need to think a lot; you do what your heart validates to be right.

Like, when I had to pull the trigger to kill him.

There was no second thought.

Not a second lost.

The bullet pierced his forehead right in the middle and I watched the death of my hatred in bliss.

Like those rabbits who excitedly ran around the campus after being freed from the stifling cage, I could see the abhorrence and strength escaping my body like long-imprisoned slaves.

The sadness sank in me and I knelt next to the body like a bundle of clothes.

I laughed, cried and then laughed again.

Confusion replaced the tension in me.

It was over.

Maybe choosing to shoot him was not a good option. I should have chosen some other method, something which could have made him want death, scream in pain for not dying.

He did not get to suffer.

It was over in an instant.

The purpose of my life ended in a moment leaving me stranded in madness.

I worked a lot for twenty years; ceaselessly and tirelessly, to take revenge on the man who plundered my mother.

Even if I killed him twenty times, it wouldn't suffice for the rage, hatred and madness that I had for him.

It was disappointing when I realized he wasn't breathing anymore.

I screamed at him, kicked him and punched him but all he did was stare back at me with a pair of lifeless eyes.

Realizing my actions, convulsed and repulsed, I pushed the body over the cliff and ran away.

And I have been running still.

Though nobody knows about it, I feel like I will be chased forever by that pair of lifeless eyes.

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