The Cell

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Phck-phck-phck-phck-phck-Gavin could hardly breathe. His heart was racing for all the wrong reasons. He didn't know where he was exactly, but it wouldn't be anywhere good. He opened his eyes, feeling groggy with the aftereffects of whatever drug he'd been dosed with. It was one of the first things the Jack android had insisted on. Gavin hadn't been surprised upon leaving the stairwell to find the Jack android had come to collect him. Why put yourself at risk when you had a loyal henchman to do the dangerous work? The Jack android hadn't said a word as he'd arrived. He'd just pushed the passenger side door open and waited for him to climb in. Once inside, he'd handed him a small bottle of water. Gavin wasn't stupid. He knew there had to be something in it. He'd looked at the bottle and then at the Jack android, waiting for some sort of demand.

The Jack android had reminded him he'd come voluntarily, and if they wanted him dead, they would have shot him through the window. That was a good point. He already knew the Hickory Killer would take his time with him. With that in mind, he'd downed the small bottle and waited with dread swirling in the pit of his stomach for something to happen. It hadn't taken long. Within ten minutes, he'd started to feel it. His head had fogged, and he'd felt drowsy. He'd tried to fight it, of course. The longer he stayed awake and alert, the more likely he'd remember where they'd come from and figure out where they were going.

He remembered that they'd driven through the city streets heading towards the docks. His head had been heavy and spinning by the time the car stopped and the door opened. The Jack android hadn't even tried to get him to walk. He was too far gone to even struggle as he was lifted by powerful arms and carried onto a small boat. It was like a fishing boat, clearly something meant to blend in on the river. Hell, the guy probably had a licence to be on the water if he was that brazen about sailing out in board daylight. Gavin barely remembered being carried down below, where he'd been carefully placed on a small bunk in a functional cabin. He'd barely been able to groan and roll over before the Jack android had disappeared and the engine had started.

Phck, if he took me on a boat, we could be across the border! That was a worrying thought. What were the chances that anyone would even think of that? Did people in Canada even know about the Hickory Killer? Phck, it's the perfect system! Live in Canada, kill in Detroit! We never even thought of Canadian involvement! His stomach churned with a sick feeling at the thought that no one would look in the right place. How would Nines find him if there wasn't even a clue that he'd left the country? His breaths sped up as he stared up at the plain white ceiling.

That was different, too. They weren't on the boat anymore. Gavin tried to swallow down his latest panic attack as he moved his stiff neck to look around the room. It wasn't moving, so clearly not the boat. There were no windows. Silence hung heavy in the air. Are we underground? A basement? The walls were the same white as the ceiling, and there were three doors. One on the right, and two across from the foot of the bed. The light came from a few small downlights above. He was on a large bed. Not as big as those in the penthouse, but enough for two to sleep comfortably. He'd been placed on the side closest to the door. His usual choice.

He pushed himself up and looked around again. There wasn't much else in the room. There was a couple of comfortable looking chairs and a table, a tall wardrobe, and a small set of drawers. Gavin remained cautious as he pushed himself up. The floor was varnished wood. Easy to clean...His shoes had been removed, but he found them tucked beneath the bed. His clothes hadn't been touched at all. He shrugged deeper into his jacket as he slipped his boots on and headed for what he assumed was the exit. Locked...Of course. He tried the other two doors anyway. The first opened into a white, tiled bathroom. There was a large bath with a shower attachment, a toilet, and a sink. He almost felt sick as he looked at the products and found that they were all his own brands. Even the electric razor was like the one he used at home.

Tick Tock Part Four - The Mouse Fell DownWhere stories live. Discover now