Working for Water

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Gavin winced as he opened his heavy eyes. The light was still there, an unyielding shine on white tiles. Tiles that were hard beneath his tired body, making his joints ache. How long had he been lying there? Obviously too long. His head felt heavy and foggy. He could barely even look around. Why did I wake up? The answer soon came in the form of a gentle hand on his shoulder. He would have flinched or recoiled, only he didn't have the strength, and it was the first hand to touch him since...whenever Jack had visited last. He gasped as the hand moved to lace in his hair and tease his scalp.

"Hey, Gav." Jack! He came back! He'd promised he would. Unfortunately, he'd left it a little late. "Hey-hey-hey, don't try to move yet...You did so well, Gav. You did exactly as I said." I did! He'd been good. He'd left the bread untouched. It was now an ugly, disintegrating, green square that filled the small room with a rotting stench to go alongside the lingering human filth, but it didn't bother Gavin. He was beyond being bothered by foul smells and bad flavours. "You're such a good boy..." Gavin whined at that. He was a good boy! A starving, parched good boy.

Gentle hands rolled him onto his back to examine him. He was thin, of course, wasting away after days of being left unfed. Jack hushed him softly as he took one arm and started bending and stretching the limp limb, encouraging blood flow. It was stiff and painful at first, but it got better as the muscles remembered how to work. It was like his body was waking up after a long sleep. Jack moved on to give similar treatment to his other arm and both legs. He was still weak and tired, but he could at least sit up. He even managed to get to his knees with Jack's help.

"That's it, Gav...You want some water, right? Come here." He did want water. His whole body was literally screaming for water. He'd do pretty much anything at this point. Green eyes blinked, unfocused, as a hand laced in his hair and pulled his head forward. He was on his knees and almost collapsed as Jack led him forward. Hearing the telltale sound of a zipper, Gavin winced, pinching his eyes and trying to focus on the body in front of him. "Open up, Gav..." Something nudged his closed mouth. Something fleshy and eerily familiar. It was instinctual as his lips parted. "That's a good boy..." Fuck, it was nice to be called that.

Gavin whined softly, shuddering at the familiar feeling of a cock pushing into his waiting mouth. This was easy. He knew how to do this. He knew what Jack wanted. It was a little hard at first. His tongue felt dried out and sticky as he dragged it over the tip. It was almost as if Jack read his mind as droplets seeped from the tip to wet his mouth. He could have cried in relief. His saliva glands ached as they tried to grind out moisture that wasn't there. Finally, his tongue felt normal enough to lick and lather the tip of the godly cock in his mouth. Jack chuckled softly as Gavin blindly shuffled closer and weakly grabbed at his hip where he knelt before him.

"So eager..." Of course, he was eager! He was literally dying of thirst! "Easy, Gav..." Jack settled lower on his knees so that he didn't need to hold himself up so much. Resting his forearms on Jack's knees, Gavin pulled off the fleshy cock and panted. "If you do a good job, you can have all the water you want." That sounded like a pretty good deal to him. He was good at sucking dick. It was something his ex-boyfriends had always praised him for. The hand returned to his hair as he reached out a weak hand to grip Jack's solid cock. He wasn't sure if he'd already prepped himself before coming in or if it was an automatic program he had running, but his cock was already throbbing.

He leaned in and licked from base to tip, closing his eyes to lose himself in his current task. It was a nice cock, almost familiar in length and girth. He tried not to think about it too hard as he swirled his tongue around the tip and listened to Jack gasping and moaning a few words of praise. If he had the energy, his own cock may have stirred at such praise and kindness after so much pain and isolation. The hand coaxed him closer, wordlessly leading him to open wider and take in the first few inches. Jack almost sounded relieved as he sighed and nudged his hips, almost knocking Gavin's gag reflex with the tip.

Tick Tock Part Four - The Mouse Fell DownWhere stories live. Discover now