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I am in a deep forest searching for something .... But I don't know what is it....but I just know it is very precious to me...I keep running and running ....I am now at near a rock cliffs on the side of a beach ..I saw on the top of the rock cliffs someone standing looking at me...I started running towards him.. it's win... He is looking at me ...his eyes are more emptier than anything ...win I finally found u ...I am about to walk towards win... I heard someone's footstep... " Hey don't look back" win told me with his trembling voice .." if u look back .... I ignored win's words I looked back I saw Thomas pointing a gun towards win standing behind me...he just shot the gun which hit win's chest and win fell down from the cliff in to the deep sea.........


Bright opened his eyes....he is all sweating ....... He can't possess just what happened... Hsi vision is blurry and hsi body is still trembling from the nightmare...He saw its a room he is lying on a bed ... it's just a nightmare .... It feels so real ..... He chased the room through his eyes there are several medicines boxes and medical stuffs ...he noticed there are many more needles on his hand connected with some saline bottles ...... Its look like a hospital room ......

He heard someone rapidly running towards the door....

" Doctor doctor he is awake he is awake " bright heard someone's loud voice

Then a person came in to the room he is a doctor ...he checked bright's all over body and his heartbeats ..

" How you are feeling now "he asked him ..

Bright could not answer anything he just stared at the doctor in confusion ....

" Relax u r okey now just don't try to move much " the doctor said and went outside the room

" Yes u can meet him now " the last sentence from the doctor bright heard before he left the room ...

Within 2 minutes bright 2 people came in to the room panicly...

" Boss boss u r awake now ...... A billion times thank to God u got your sense back "

Bright saw sisriska and Mike are crying infront of him...

" Where am I Siriska " bright asked in his trembling voice .....

" Boss u r at a secret room in the most elegant private hospital of Bangkok... u know what after almost 3 weeks we are hearing your voice ..u lost much blood ... " he said it while crying

" That day when we got to the roof top after the gunshot stopped we found your body lying on the floor severely injured "

" Ur chest has a severe damage because of that " they are still crying ..

" We have to secretly brought u to the hospital cause Thai media was all after us ..But thank God u are awake now "..

Bright just could not digest their words..they are all just crying mess... Some dizzy scenes bright remeberd that day they were at office discussing something then gunshots happened... He went to the roof top ...Thomas he shot him and he remeberd Win... Win's teary eyes ......
Bright's heart beat started running fast ... He remeberd everything ...thomas carried win with him in that helicopter.... ..he remeberd those crying eyes of win ... It's almost 3 weeks how could he be so careless just lie in a hospital bed like that ... Bright's mind stopped working now.....

" Where is win " bright asked with a panic voice

Ummm ummmm bosss " the words from Mike' mouth are almost inaudible...

" I asked where is win " Mike can feel the angriness in bright's voice

" Thomas carried win to singapore ..win is there only " bright can't just take the words they are saying ...

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