story of the stalker

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I am at the front of hospital...geez the media is really something they are all over at the main gate .... But I think security is not allowing them....

I carefully parked my bike and went inside the hospital from the back door ...I am hanging my camera on my neck .....

From a secret agency I collected all the data...that the famous actress baifern is at the 3rd floor vip cabin...

I pressed the lift bottom's took 5 mins for me to reach infront of her cabin...there is no one in this floor i sneek from the glass window inside the room , yah it's really her lying on the hospital bed ...she looks so pale ....
Suddenly someone pulled me form behind ...

," hey hey u can't take photos here .photography is prohibited" it's a nurse I think her personal nurse ...she is all shouting ...

Win- hey calm down I am not a photographer I am just a visiter..

" Liar , don't trick me u kid " she again. Shouted ...

I just anyhow calmed her down and sat down on the chair near her cabin...its been 3-4 hour I guess but no one came
.... I am thinking what can I do further....

" Hey win what are u doing at this hour's alredy night "

I saw a boy standing infront of me..he is another reporter from our channel.... His name is " pit ".

Win - I came to cover the story but they are not letting me in.

.pit- are u crazy I am here from morning but still don't know baifern's health has improved or not ....

Shit the fuck he is after the same story ..then the channel head must want to compare between this guy and me but I have to get the job back anyhow...

Pit- hey what are you thinking ...

Win - are you here to cover baifern's story ..I asked him in doubt

Pit- ofcourse, but they are not allowing any visitors only the president of her agency and her family members ..... Her bodyguards are all over the hospital not letting anyone was a crazy stalker of her ... Thats why they are so strict about it ..

Shit this guy has already done a full investigation..... he then again added ...

Pit- umm we can't stay here full night untill one of us get injured and get in to hospital that the only way left...

Shit what the hell he is talking ...get injured just to cover a case..but he is right it's not an ordinary case...baifern is very famous in Thai industry....I was in my deep thought then pit dragged me somewhere.... Hey hey wait boy...I shouted

He dragged me to the front door...but media are already gone...cause it's alredy dark outside....

Win - hey why the fuck u bring me here to the front door..we should stay inside...
I shouted at him

Pit- u think I am fool , I saw the guards at the stairs .... He answerd... We just sat there silently for 10 mins..then again he spoke...

Pit - win , just punch me in the face ..
I am shocked is he crazy or what asking me to punch him.

Win- what the fuck u r talking about

Pit- just punch me so that they will admit me in that hospital, or let me punch you..

Seriously this guy , is he serious I am irritated now but it's a better chance , I should punch and shot his mouth first ..his voice is so annoying.....

Win- r u serious about punching u..I asked him with a serious look on my face
Pit- I am very much sure just punch me

I then prepared my hand and just about to punch him , a sound of car crashing .....

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