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At Soroush's request, I changed into a pastel blue abaya and wrapped a scarf of the same color around my head. I then took the bag Soroush had gifted me and packed a few essentials before heading out of the house.

Jida was standing outside my door. She smiled at me.

"Assalamualaikum," I said.

"Waalaikumsalam," she replied, "He's taking you out, huh? Well, don't mind me, I'm just tagging along to make sure that nothing goes awry."

My face reddened at the implication. "Jida...."

"Don't make her embarrassed, Jida," said Soroush, coming out of his apartment with his backpack. He locked the door. "You are tagging along because you like going outside more than the average grandmother."

She pouted, "You don't take me anywhere."

I locked my own apartment door and heard Soroush say, "I'm quite busy nowadays, due to the event at university. How about after that?"

Jida's face widened into the grin that could easily be compared to a child, "Okay, dude! And get me a camera. I want to vlog the experience on my channel."

We walked to the elevator. Soroush closed it after us and pressed the ground floor.

"Vlog?" I enquired.

Soroush gave a small smile, "Yeah. Boss Lady has a cooking channel. Tastes of Wonderland. It is insanely popular and almost about to reach the hundred thousand mark."

Jida hit Soroush on the shoulder, "Oh, that's nothing! Your and Behrooz's gaming channel was even more popular. It reached one point five million subscribers."

The smile on Soroush's face faded, "Was. Abu made me delete it, remember?"

The elevator door opened. And the little cheerful mood we made had faded.

Khalid Hakeem. It made sense he made Soroush delete that channel. He was always concerned about his reputation. And two boys who were gamers, probably made him feel like he was a joke, in that unorthodox thinking of his. 

"But I mean, it was for the best," said Soroush, perhaps to himself more than anything, "Fathers are supposed to know what's best for their children, right? And not focusing on that channel, did help improve my grades."

Jida and I shared a look. I wasn't sure if it was by coincidence or if it was to remark at Soroush's idiocy. Probably part two.

Soroush walked to his car (a silver Toyota. Nothing fancy as his bike, folks!) and opened the door for Jida to enter.

"I thought we were walking," I said.

He closed the door. "Change of plans. I need to show you somewhere. I don't know if you have seen it but...."

He opened the front door and gestured me to go in, "I hope you will reconsider some things."

He closed my door and entered his own seat. Started the engine.

I clasped my seat belt and leaned my head against the head rest. Inhaled the fresh car smell. 

Low, classical music began to play at first. It was comforting to hear but just as I was about to get comfortable, Soroush changed it to Surah Ar-Rahman.

"You will have music forever," Soroush said, making me open my eyes, "But there are some instances, when you have to listen to the Quran."

He turned to look at the road but I just continued to stare at him, the verses playing in the background. 

He was helping me. Soroush Hakeem was trying to help me. Khalid Hakeem's son was trying to help me. 

"What?" Soroush asked. "Is there something on my face?"

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