Part 8

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It fades to the group walking through the forest.

"Cornwall: I'm starving, all these heroics worked up my appetite! [he sniffs the smell in the air] Hey. Something smells delicious!"

":Devon: Ooh, yes. I could whip up a little something."

"Garrett: Well, here's where we stop."

"Kayley: Stop? But what about Excalibur?"

"Garrett: No one travels through the Forbidden Forest after dark."

"Kayley: Well, my father Sir Lionel would have."

Garrett stops in his tracks, shocked, after hearing the mention of Kayley's father. Meanwhile, Devon and Cornwall try to make fire out of twigs

"Cornwall: C'mon, baby, C'mon! Light my fire!"

"Devon: You know, there's nothing more pathetic than a flame-retardant dragon."

Devon takes over at rubbing the twig against the twigs, Cornwall looks up

"Cornwall Hey, Devon! You blew fire! [Devon looks up] No, no. My mistake, just hot air!"

Before Devon can hit Cornwall with the twig, it came alive and started running off, the other twigs, did the same. Devon and Cornwall look at each other, confused, before they start to chase after them.

"Garrett: Kayley, I must tell you. I knew your father and your older sister."

"Kayley: You did?"

"Garrett: I used to live in Camelot."

The camera pans from him, and we fade to a flashback where Garrett, as a young boy (from the beginning, though without the helmet strangely) scoops up piles of hay at the stable with a pitchfork.

Garrett: [narrating] I was a stable boy, but I dreamt of becoming a knight. [We see another flashback where the horses are freaking out by the fire that has broken out in the stables] One evening, there was a fire. [Garrett, after seeing this, rushes to their aid, and releases them] I rushed to save all the horses but, well... [Garrett sees a horse right in front of him, and couldn't move out of the way, one of the horse's hooves, strikes him right in the eyes, knocking him to the ground in pain] I was hurt. [Garrett recovers, but what he sees from his POV, his vision becomes blurry and wiggly] But first, all I can was shapes, then shadows. And finally, my world went black [Garrett's vision slowly blacks out completely. We fade to Garrett trying to find himself around, that morning in what left's of the stables. Sir Lionel and Lady julieta saw him, and handed him a stick, who has trouble of catching it or holding it.] After I lost my sight, your father was the only one who still believed in me. [Sir Lionel then begins to train Garrett, neither of them noticed that Merlin and Ayden are watching from above.] He told me, that a knight's strength, comes from a heart, with his loyalty, to the oath of Camelot.

Garrett, who felt better after what happened, held his staff in front of him, as Sir Lionel draws out his sword, and held it in front of him

"Sir Lionel: United we stand"

"Both: Now and forever."

We fade back to the present time

"Garrett: Any hope I had of becoming a knight died with him."

"Kayley: I felt that way too, but I knew he wouldn't want me to give up. He wouldn't want you to give up either. You are good as any other knight in Camelot."

"Garrett: You really think so?"

Kayley gave him an assuring smile. Meanwhile, Devon and Cornwall are still chasing after the twig

"Cornwall: Hey, stick! Over here! Come back, stick! [They lose it. Ayden then laughs] I got three words for you birdie: "Dinner is served."

With that, he grabs Ayden and swallows him, but comes out from Devon's mouth, unharme.

Garrett lays down some leaves, to make an makeshift bed. Ayden lands on the branch next to Kayley.

"Kayley: And how did you find Ayden?"

Garrett: I didn't. When I came to live here, Ayden found me. [Kayley strokes Ayden] He just appeared one day, as if destiny is watching over me. He taught me all the secrets of the forest. What can hurt you, [As Garrett explains, Ayden flies above an deadly plant which is asleep] and what can heal you. [He takes a purple leaf from a healing plant, to show what he means] With Ayden as my eyes, I can survive anything. Look, I'll show you. [Garrett demonstrates to Kayley of what he does to defeat a deadly plant] I take my position, faced my fears, [he pokes his staff to the plant, it opens up, revealing its tongue with a red bulb on the end] And hold my ground, until the last, possible, moment, waiting for Ayden's signal, [Ayden chirps the signal, and Garrett moves at the right time as the tongue swings out towards him] to evade! [he whacks the tongue on the tip with his staff, making it dizzy] See. Simple, now you try. [he hands Kayley his staff]

"Kayley: All right. No problem."

"Garrett: Take your position."

"Kayley: Take my position."

"Garrett: Face your fears."

"Kayley: Face my fears."

The plant regained consciousness

"Garrett: And hold your ground, until the last possible moment."

The plant swings its tongue at Kayley, who tries to knock it out, but misses and the tongue hits her in the stomach, knocking her backwards into Garrett's arms. Ayden chirps

"Garrett: Well, you moved too soon."

"Kayley: [flustered] Uh huh."

Garrett stares out in blank space, feeling happier that someone has cared for him, Kayley then blushes.

"Cornwall: Coming through."

 they walk in between Kayley and Garrett

"Devon: Mind your backs!"

"Cornwall: [to Garrett] Nice try, buddy."

"Devon: I say Kayley, Do you have a light?"

MeanWhile back to Ruber's camp at night, Ruber grabs a handful of burning coal and lifts them up high to his face

"Ruber: When I get my hands on that girl..."

He growls evilly with a menacing smirk on his face as he clutches the coals in his hand. We fade out.

Back at the castle Julieta was walking around at the stable petting her horse head gently and let out a gently sigh before look up at the stars praying that her sister is ok.

"Lady Julieta: Father i wish you where here and watch over Kayley please."

She pray at this before head back to the castle meet up with King Arthur and the round table.

Kayley older sister( Quest for Camelot)Where stories live. Discover now