Chapter two: Meeting a fan

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Your pov:

'Today was gonna be probably the best day ever in my life, the reason why that is, is because... I'm going to see Tommyinnit! Like I'm really actually going to see one of his shows!! Anyways, bye!' I wrote down in my diary, and placed it down with a smile. I nearly jumped out of my skin from excitement, I still couldn't believe that he's here in Los Angeles! I find a car park and turn off my car, taking the keys out and grab my purse from the passenger seat and hop out of the car. I walk to the front and wait in line. After I got inside and took my seat I got prepared to have so much fun and laugh my ass off all day. Once the show was over I couldn't even feel my mouth from smiling and laughing non-stop for what felt like hours and I sadly exited the building, but I stopped at seeing someone who was just about the leave the building at the same time as me, 'oh my god!' I thought, and my heart starts beating faster. "Um, hi! I- Uh.. sorry to be in your way but, I'm such a big fan!" My words fell out of my mouth like a waterfall and he smiles. 'Why is he so pretty!' I could feel my cheeks warming up and I'm hoping like hell that he cant see the blush forming on my cheeks. "You're not a problem," He chuckles, "Would you like a photo? I'm guessing that's mostly the reason you came up to me." He continued to smile, and I nod. I pull out my phone and scrambled to swipe to my camera, I handed my phone to him which he raises it above us and I smile as he wraps an arm around me to fit the two of us in the photo. He smiles snapping the photo and he hands me back my phone, for a moment I feel a little prick on the back of my arm but I ignore it. "Thank you!" I smile, I then start to walk away beginning to feel a migraine and my head throbbing at the painful feeling that's growing every passing moment. I groan at the pain but I keep walking away towards my car, I only made it maybe 20 steps before fell to the ground.



Sorry if this isn't good I've never been to a concert, nor met anyone before. >:C

Anyways I hope you guys have a good day/night!

Yours truly,

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