Chapter 3: Knives and lives

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Charlie's Pov:

I quickly ran over to the fan that had just passed out, "Shit!" I yell out as others passerby staring at the scene. I played along that I was friends with this person, and that they suddenly passed out without a reason. I put my arms under their body and pick them up bridal style, and walk towards my car. I gently place them in the back seat, I close the car door, I walk to the front my car and take a seat in the drivers seat.

As we arrived back at my house I take them out of the back seat and kick open my front door, flinging it wide open to hit the wall next to it and it slightly bounced back. I turn around and use my foot to push the door closed, I walk over to the door for the spare room in my house and open it. I turn a light on, the room had concrete floors and walls making it almost impossible for any light to peek into the room, other than the light above us. I slowly place down their body and they slept almost too peacefully. As I left the room I turned off the light and locked the door leaving the darkness to swallow them whole.

Your Pov:

I wake up in darkness feeling colder than a popsicle and a throbbing headache, I groan and push my self up trying to sit up straight. I end up sitting cross-legged, and shivering every moment or so. I suddenly hear a door open in front of me and distant light beaming into the room, a man stepped in the way turning on a light which was directly above me. I realize that it was Charlie, my heart drops for a moment as I see a sharp blade in between his hand. "Uh- Um why am I here-" "Not important." Charlie cuts me off and walks into the room closing the door, he walked towards me and places the shiny blade onto my neck under the right side of my jaw.

"You're quite the pretty one, its such a shame though." He says intimating, he slightly pushes the blade into my neck just enough to feel extremely uncomfortable. "Why are you doing this?" I ask him, he pulls the knife away from my neck and stood up, putting the tip of it against the bottom of his chin and looks up like he's thinking about something, "Well, for the first reason, its cause I can. And the other is cause, its fun!" He chuckles pulling the blade away from his chin and looking back at me, he starts walking to me and I back up a bit, he still moves towards me which I keep shuffling back until I feel a cold hard wall against my back. When he reaches me my breath quickens.

He grabs me by the collar of my shirt, pulls me up and against the wall, my heart beats faster each moment that went by. He unexpectedly lifts up the hem of my shirt, which showed some of my stomach and dug the knife into the soft piece of skin and I sharply inhale at the painful feeling spreading around the small open wound. He drags the knife around in a certain way and I tightly shut my eyes trying to find some sort of way to fight the pain, I tried pushing him off but he only pushes me more against the wall and the knife deeper. I find the courage to open my eyes again, with tears pricking at my eyes. He stops only for a moment, "Don't worry, this will be over soon." He gave a toothy smile at me before going back to his work.

He pulls my shirt up even more revealing more of my abdomen and almost showing my chest. He pushes the knife back into my skin. Slowly, and painfully, he drags the blade down from the center of my chest, to near were my belly button is. Tears ran down my face like rivers of water, my god it fucking hurt, my whole body froze up not being able to escape this plane of hell. I scream, not being able to control it anymore. He pulls the knife out and looked me in my teary eyes, he moves the blade into his other hand and rests the bloody hand onto my cheek. "Its over now." He says, "Come on, cheer up! I haven't killed you, be grateful." He grins and lets go of my cheek leaving a bloody handprint on my face.



I actually like this, but that's just my opinion. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this.

Have a good day/night!

Yours truly,

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