Chapter 5: New life

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A few more days had passed and I was huddled up in the blanket, I was bored as I usually am. I got to the point I would make up random scenarios in my mind, it made time fly faster. I think Charlie is being nicer to me. He comes in the room often and gives me some food, only small stuff like sandwiches, apples, and some water. He also gave me a thing to remind him to let me go to the toilet, which is also good. I still get really bored though. At one point I thought, why not try to sleep whenever I get bored? I mean I'll get extra sleep, and I have more time passing. 

I straighten myself to face the ceiling with my head on the pillow and the blanket covering the lower half of my body. I don't think I'll ever get used to this place. I smell like shit, I haven't brushed my teeth in forever, and my body feels like shit. I try to fall asleep, but it's hard. I turn over to my right side, to have a wall in front of my face. I close my eyes again, and waited to drift off into a far different world than this one. After a moment or so, my eyes start to feel more relaxed, and my body feels light.

No one's pov:

They laid sleeping in silence. On the other hand, Charlie, was looking for his car keys. He was thinking of going shopping for food and more water bottles. When he finds his car keys, he stuffs them in his pocket and grabbed his wallet, he puts the wallet in his other pocket and left the house. He made sure that everything was locked tight inside of the house, so his little "friend" wouldn't escape if they found a way out of the room.

Charlie's pov:

I turn on the car and put it into reverse, I held my hand on the back of the passengers seat, turning my head to face the back of the car and started reversing. I take the spare bags from my car, then closed and locked my car to head inside the mall. I found my way into one of the stores and looked around for the things I would need. I find all the things I need and waited in line for the checkout. The man at the check out greeted me and I answered with a simple 'Hi', he started scanning my items and then once he finished, he paused like he was going to say something. "Would you mind if I take a photo with you?" He asked with a sweet smile, "I don't have my phone on me, so maybe can you take one of me with your phone?" He continued. "Sure" I simply replied.

I look for my phone in one of my pockets until ultimately finding it. I take it out and quickly realized it wasn't my phone. Remembering I took the phone off of the person at home, I didn't put the phone away cause then I'd be holding up the line for longer and then people would get angry so I quickly smile and the other man mimics me smiling too. "Thanks man, also that phone you have looks really similar to my friends." He says his smile dropping a little, "Oh." I chuckle, "Really? What a coincidence." I slip the phone away again and say goodbye taking my bags along with me to my car.

When I took the bags from my car when I arrived home, I see my door open wide. 'Oh shit.' I mentally thought, I rush inside and see that almost every door leading to my rooms were kicked open. Upon seeing the room I was holding them captive in was empty, other than the blanket and pillow I gave them being there. No human was found there. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" I yell out, "FUCK!" I throw the bags as hard as I could, which had ended with the food flying in different directions. I punch the wall near me as hard as I could, my balled up fist collided with the hard wall breaking open a hole into it and I kept punching till I got most of my anger out.

My knuckles were slightly bleeding and had some bruising appearing. I grab a bag from my room and stuffed as many things as I could inside of it, I had to move quickly. I wasn't gonna get caught because of some little dumbass being found inside of my house. I chuck my stuff into the back seat of my car and turn my car back on, I start driving around to my other house where all my streaming, and videos are made. I park on the curb of my house and grab my bag out of the back seat, and rushed inside.

Your pov: (while Charlie was out shopping)

I hear a loud bang which had woken me up from my sleep, I sit up and waited to hear another sound. 'It's probably just Charlie doing something.' I thought and I slowly lay back down again. I heard another bang this time with lot's of voices. I couldn't really make out what they were saying, but none of them sounded like Charlie's voice. I heard more banging, so I sat up and waited for something to happen, suddenly the door to my room was kicked open and I moved around to try and see who was coming in, standing up in the moment. 

It was a police man, he stepped into the room along with a woman doing the same job. I look at them with confusion and back up into the corner of my room. "Hey, we're gonna get you out of here." The man said in a quick tone, before he turns around slightly to the other cops. "Check the whole house and make sure no one else is here." He turns back around, he takes a few steps towards me. Which I get closer, because I know they aren't a threat to me. I was escorted out of the house by the police man's partner, I was then put into a car and then they drove away with me.



Oooo plot twist! This is the first time I've written a chapter of my story that's over 1000 words. I hope you guys liked this long chapter, the thought behind this was that I was just thinking about random shit in the shower and wrote down anything I remembered on paper lmao.

Have a good day/night

Yours truly,

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