Periwinkle Bistro Bar

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Author's Note: Welcome to the Beta Test Series! This is where I share scenes that didn't make it into the original series.

For instance, what you're reading now was the first version of 'The Phoenix's Doctor' before I revamped it. I shared it before and realized it could be much more. Thanks to a reader who messaged me on Instagram, I got a great idea!

Why not share all my unfinished and stopped projects? I can get your (the readers') constructive feedback and use it to write even more fanfics!

Well then! Onto the incomplete series 'Periwinkle Bistro Bar'!

Periwinkle Bistro Bar

Chapter 1 : Forgive me

As the soft, golden rays of the morning sun gently streamed through the lace curtains, they cast a warm, inviting glow upon your slumbering form. Your awakening was a gradual process, a transition from the realm of dreams to the embrace of reality.

Your body, still tingling with the echoes of the previous night's frenetic activity at your beloved shop, protested the idea of leaving the comfort of your bed.

Yet, despite the fatigue that seemed to linger in your every muscle, a radiant smile danced upon your lips.

The reason for this early morning elation was clear - each bustling day that dawned upon your shop brought you one step closer to realizing your dream of earning a livelihood doing precisely what you loved.

With a languid stretch and the soft rustle of your bed covers, you finally roused yourself from the warmth of your blankets. Clad in a comfortable, oversized robe that cocooned you like a protective embrace, you embarked on the familiar journey to your bathroom.

Your morning rituals unfolded with a sense of practiced grace, a symphony of routine that commenced with the refreshing tingle of toothpaste and the cool splash of water on your face.

As the steamy tendrils of the shower enveloped you, you took a few moments to simply stand beneath the cascading water, letting it wash away the remnants of sleep and invigorate your senses.

After the shower's embrace, you returned to the comforting sanctuary of your room to ponder the day's attire. Your wardrobe offered an array of possibilities, each garment whispering a different version of you to the world.

Today, your heart settled on a sleek ensemble that exuded both comfort and style: snug-fitting black yoga pants paired with a cropped, ebony sweater.

The monochrome harmony of your choice resonated with your mood for the day. With a nod of approval at the reflection in the dressing table's mirror, you set about the task of taming your long, wavy strawberry blonde locks.

Your hair, a cascade of a soft strawberry blonde, bore the playful signature of cute purple tips at their ends. The roar of the hairdryer filled the room as you wielded it skillfully, coaxing your tresses into submission.

With each pass, the strands assumed a glossy vitality that matched your vibrant spirit. The final touches included a spritz of your favorite perfume, a scent that carried a hint of nostalgia and the promise of a new day, and a gentle caress of moisturizer to nourish your skin.

With your attire meticulously chosen and your hair perfectly coiffed, you were ready to face the day. The last step before venturing beyond the threshold of your room was the donning of your trusty black heeled boots.

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