Periwinkle Bistro Bar

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Chapter 3 : Welcome To Periwinkle

Ace and Thatch finally arrived at the imposing headquarters of their organization. Their "Pops," also known as Whitebeard, was a formidable figure who had repeatedly eluded the clutches of the government, thanks to his intelligence and cunning.

The building they entered stood a towering 35 stories tall, housing various departments dedicated to their organization's operations.

They made their way inside and took the elevator, ascending to the highest floor.

As they rode the elevator, Ace couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He opened one of the lunch bags and was immediately tantalized by the familiar aroma wafting from his sister's homemade meal.

Usually, he would gobble up his food in an instant, but this time was different. Thatch watched in confusion as Ace savored every bite, his face adorned with comical tears of joy. "Oh, how I've missed Nee-chan's cooking!"

Thatch, raising an eyebrow, couldn't help but remark, "Dude, don't you usually inhale food like a vacuum cleaner?"

Ace gasped, as if Thatch had committed a grave offense. "No way, man! This is Nee-chan's hard work! I need to savor every single bite. The next time I'll get to eat her food will be on Monday! That's a whole day without her food!"

Shaking his head, Thatch couldn't have predicted that Ace would have such a deep appreciation for his sister's cooking. The whole experience was somewhat overwhelming for him. However, when Thatch opened his own lunch bag, he understood Ace's sentiments.

The delicious aroma of a juicy teriyaki chicken sandwich hit his nose, and despite not feeling particularly hungry moments ago, he couldn't resist taking a bite, and then another, until it was gone. "Holy shit! This is amazing!"

Ace couldn't help but laugh at Thatch's despair as he realized he had only one portion while Ace had five more lunch bags in his possession. Observing Thatch's pouting expression, Ace playfully tackled his friend to the floor of the elevator, and the two engaged in a friendly wrestling match.

A cloud of playful dust and smoke began to envelop them, and when the elevator doors finally slid open, they didn't stop.

Employees on that floor were taken aback, their work momentarily forgotten as they watched the antics of the two men.

Marco, one of the senior members, approached them with a bemused expression. "What the hell are you two idiots doing, yoi?"

Ace, still grappling with Thatch, clutched one of the lunch bags tightly. He tried to defend his position amidst their playful struggle. "Oi, Marco! That's mine!"

Marco, understanding the source of their scuffle, decided to intervene and confiscated the bag temporarily. "Can't have you two tearing each other apart over lunch, yoi!"

"Nooooo, Marco, please, give that back to us! It's a work of art!" Thatch began to plead and beg, sinking to his knees with his hands pressed together in supplication.

Ace joined in the appeal, his tears comically pouring out. "Please, Marco! That's Nee-Chan's hard work! Give it backkkkkkk!"

Marco sighed, understanding their attachment to the meal. He shook his head, attempting to maintain a stern demeanor. "I'll give it back to you once you're done with your report to Pops, yoi!"

With that decision, Marco turned away from the pleading duo and proceeded toward the Director's office. Ace and Thatch followed behind, but their bodies were limp, and their expressions were downcast.

Marco knocked on the office door and opened it, gesturing for Thatch and Ace to enter. They complied but couldn't resist muttering some choice words under their breath about the "demon" and the "stupid pineapple head."

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