Periwinkle Bistro Bar

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Chapter 15 : Pickpocket

In the serene Garden of Serenity, you and Mihawk stood side by side, enveloped in the tranquil atmosphere of the secluded haven. The garden was lush and vibrant, teeming with life, yet there was a somber mood that accompanied your visit to a particular spot within it – Sabo's grave.

The grave was set in a peaceful corner of the garden, overlooking a gently flowing stream. It was marked by a simple yet elegant tombstone, lovingly maintained and surrounded by an array of beautiful flowers that added color to the solemn setting.

You approached the grave slowly, the memories of Sabo flooding back with each step. Mihawk walked beside you, his presence a quiet support. Reaching the tombstone, you paused, taking a moment to compose yourself.

"Sabo," you whispered, your voice a soft blend of grief and affection. "It's been a while."

Mihawk stood a respectful distance behind, giving you space yet remaining close enough to offer comfort. His eyes, usually so sharp and guarded, were soft, reflecting the shared sorrow and memories.

You knelt down, gently touching the tombstone, tracing the engraved name with your fingers. "I miss you every day," you continued, a tear escaping down your cheek.

"I wish I could see you.. You would have been quite the man.."

Mihawk stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "He would be proud of you," he said, his voice low and comforting.

You looked up at Mihawk, finding strength in his gaze. "Thank you for being here, for everything."

Mihawk knelt beside you, his usual stoic demeanor giving way to a rare display of vulnerability. "It's important to you.."

Together, you and Mihawk sat in silence, each lost in your own thoughts and memories of Sabo. The gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze and the soft murmur of the stream provided a soothing backdrop to your reflections.

After a while, you stood up, wiping away the tears. "We should go. There's still a lot to do, and Sabo wouldn't want us to dwell on the past."

Mihawk nodded, standing up as well. "You're right. He would want you to keep moving forward, to live the life he couldn't."

You took one last look at the grave, a mix of sadness and determination in your eyes. "Goodbye, Sabo. I'll come visit you again soon."

Turning away from the grave, you and Mihawk walked back through the garden, the weight of the visit lingering in your hearts. Yet, there was also a sense of peace, a feeling that Sabo's spirit was with you, encouraging you to embrace the future with courage and hope.

As you left the Garden of Serenity, the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden light over the landscape.

You glanced at Mihawk, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth despite the somber visit. The memories of the first time you met him, a moment that forever altered the course of your life, came flooding back.

"You know, Mi Cielito, our first meeting was something I'll never forget," you started, your voice tinged with a mix of amusement and reflection. "Do you remember?"

Mihawk's expression softened, a hint of a smile appearing on his usually stoic face. "Ah, yes. How could I ever forget? You were quite the daring pickpocket. I remember being both annoyed and impressed."

You laughed lightly, the memory vivid in your mind. "I thought I was being so clever, trying to steal from you. But you caught me so easily."

Mihawk nodded, recalling the moment. "I will never forget seeing something in your eyes that day. There was no fear, only a fiery spirit and a will to survive. It was... intriguing."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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