Periwinkle Bistro Bar

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Chapter 5 : Shit

Friday arrived more swiftly than anticipated. It had been four days since you last encountered the Whitebeard employees. Glancing at the clock, it read 4:30 PM, and you knew their visit was imminent. You completed your final customer's order, wiping down the bar counter.

The sound of your doorbell chiming reached your ears, signaling the arrival of guests. You expected to see the Whitebeard gang but were taken aback when you spotted an entirely different face.

"Y/N-Onee-chan! It's been a while! Shishishishishi!" the newcomer exclaimed.

You offered a warm, gentle smile as you recognized your youngest brother.

"Luffy! Come give me a hug!" you chimed in.

Luffy had set out on his own adventure at the age of 17, just like Ace. You never held him back, letting your brothers pursue their own criminal gang. It was peculiar how Luffy had succeeded in the world despite his initial lack of knowledge and...immaturity.

'I guess crime just runs in the family,' you mused.

At 17, Luffy had already made a name for himself, though you couldn't quite fathom how. However, his network and connections were likely contributors. You noticed several unfamiliar faces among Luffy's entourage, with only two appearing familiar.

Unfortunately, those two seemed to be engaged in a heated argument.

You sighed, addressing the disputants, "Sanji, you're aware of the rules. No fighting in Periwinkle. And Zoro, you're even more familiar with this rule."

Sanji began his usual twirling dance around you, while Zoro immediately halted his bickering and showed you respect with a slight bow. "Y/N-san, it's been a while," Zoro acknowledged.

You appreciated Zoro's courtesy and teased, "It has indeed been a while. I see you're still carrying those swords. I hope you're not rusty, my dear."

"Is that a challenge, Y/N-san?" Zoro grinned, his excitement evident.

You chuckled and declined, "I'll pass on that offer. I have other pressing matters to attend to... like my idiot brother raiding my fridge right now!"

You noticed the sudden silence and glanced around to find Luffy pilfering not only your fridge but also the extra food displayed on the bar counter. Fortunately, Sanji intervened, and now all you could hear was Luffy's complaints about hunger.

"But Sanji, Y/N-Onee-chan always feeds meeee!"

"No! Those are Y/N-sama's precious ingredients for her customers!" Sanji reprimanded.

Turning your attention to the unfamiliar faces in your brother's group, you introduced yourself as a good host would.

"Hello there, my name is Y/N. I'm Luffy's older sister, and I hope he hasn't been too much to handle. Please make yourselves comfortable. The store is currently closed, and you're welcome to relax here," you extended a welcoming hand to them.

Luffy ceased his whining and began introducing each member of his crew. "This is Nami; she loves oranges and money! That's Usopp; he lies and is into designing! That's Robin; she's a reader, and I don't get what's so fun about that, but as long as she's happy, it's fine! Then, there's Franky; he's an amazing inventor! Meet Brook; our musician, and this is Chopper; he's excellent at pain relief!"

You nodded as each of them took their seats, and they seemed to be quite reserved. The orange-haired individual finally broke the silence, expressing his surprise.

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