Periwinkle Bistro Bar

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Chapter 6 : Never Gonna Learn

The commotion at Periwinkle Bistro seemed to reach a momentary pause as Smoker, a familiar face from your past, entered the scene. Known for his strict adherence to the law, Smoker's history with you was a mix of your youthful misdemeanors and his relentless pursuit of justice. His arrival added a new layer to the already tense atmosphere.

As Smoker stepped into the chaotic scene at your restaurant, he immediately recognized you. There was a small history between the two of you, dating back to your days of petty theft. Smoker had always been a stickler for the law, and your youthful rebelliousness had put you on his radar more than once.

"Y/N..What happened here?" Smoker's deep voice resonated through the room, his gaze sharp and assessing.

He noticed Ace and Marco, the Whitebeard gang's first and second in command, and his expression grew more serious.

"And why are Whitebeard's top men in your establishment?"

You quickly composed yourself, "Smokey!~ How have you been! I'm surprised your lungs hasn't given up on you yet!"

Smoker, known for his no-nonsense approach, stepped forward, his boots echoing on the wooden floor, " Y/N, stop dodging the question."

You sighed and placed your hands on your hips, "They're here settling a debt they owe me," you explained, deliberately omitting any mention of your familial connection to Ace.

The last thing you needed was Smoker delving deeper into your personal affairs.

"Seems like you've had quite an evening," he remarked dryly, his voice carrying a hint of both concern and reprimand. "Care to explain what happened here?"

His eyes briefly flickered to the knife lying a short distance away, then back to you.

You met his gaze squarely, your expression unyielding, you brought both your hands up as a sign of surrender, "Self-defense, Smokey. He came at my employee with a knife. I just knocked him out, that's all."

Smoker nodded slowly, seemingly digesting your words. "I'll need your statement about tonight's incident. And from the looks of it, you need medical attention."

Ace, still by your side, chimed in, "She won't let anyone touch it, Officer. I've tried."

You agreed to give your statement but remained stubborn about seeking medical treatment. "I'll give my statement, but I'm fine. I don't need a doctor."

Ace, who had been silently observing the exchange, couldn't contain his frustration.

" Y/N-Onee-" He was about to argue with you about the necessity of medical attention, but a sharp glare from you silenced him before he could start.

Your glare towards him was cold and distant, one he was very familiar with.

You were pissed.

And at an extremely high level.

Marco who was witnessing this whole thing was able to caught on the change of name Ace uses on you in front of others. He noticed that you had called Ace your employee instead of your brother and as for Ace, he would not call you his older sister but by your given name.

Something he had found quite particular but he remained silent.

Meanwhile, Sanji and Thatch quickly moved to usher the remaining customers out and began the process of closing up the store. They understood the gravity of the situation and wanted to ensure that everything was handled smoothly.

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