-Thirty Seven-

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Luke was all patched up and he was discharged from hospital and he came back to mine. I started to pack some clothes into a bag, Luke sat on my bed and watched me.

"Can I ask what you're doing?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm packing, to get away from Jai. I can't do this anymore, you were too close to dying and I have lost too many people since Jai has came into my life and completely wrecked it. You coming?" Luke opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again and he held my hand.

"What if the baby is his? He has a right to be involved Lou" He stoked my hand.

"Don't make this any harder Luke. Jai isn't 'dad material' and I don't think he will be able to look after a baby" I said as placed myself next to Luke. "You would make a better father" I wiped the tears away from me eyes.

Luke kissed my cheek and began to fold my clothes and help me pack them into my suit case. Luke didn't have much stuff with him so he packed his stuff with my clothes, but I found a spare luggage bag and I helped pack his stuff.

Once we were done I quickly looked online to see if there were any flights to Australia, the next one was in six hours and that is taking the piss.

I checked for a different place to go, the UK, he won't have a clue that we are here. Luckily I found a flight that was due for departure in a couple of hours so we had enough time to get there.



We arrived at the airport and we checked in and got our boarding passes and then we sent our luggage off. We then went through to security and once we had sorted our hand luggage out we then waited at Gate 18 for our flight to the UK. We had 1 hour and a half to wait so I went to the nearest coffee shop to get Louise and I some coffee to keep us awake.

I handed Louise the boiling hot coffee, I admired her facial features as she slowly and carefully took a sip of the coffee. She closed her eyes as she took another. She then sat up and placed the coffee on the table.

"I'm just going to the toilet" She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears. I nodded and took a sip of my drink and sank back into my chair and thought of mine and Louise future together.


I can't believe she is leaving me. She is leaving, not even a good bye. Not even an explanation; Nothing.
This GPS is the best thing I could have downloaded on Louise phone.

I got a taxi to the airport, hopefully I will get there in time. My hands became clammy, wondering if I was going to manage to get to her in time.

I scanned the people around me, looking carefully at the girls, seeing if I could see her. Then I noticed her heading towards the toilets. Obviously I followed her.

"Louise? Louise wait please let me just speak to you" I grabbed her arm. "Please Louise, just hear me out" I begged as I stroked her cheek.

Luke had also emerged from the crowed and stood near Louise. "I'm not going to hurt you, please just hear me out" I begged for her to listen to me.

"You've got five minutes" She snapped. I was taken aback from her reaction. I thought she would just pull her arm away and go with Luke into the sunset and live happily ever after, but everyone knows that doesn't happen.

"Okay Louise, where do I even start?" I chuckled a little, "Okay, the first time I met you was like a silver lining, the light at the end of the tunnel. You saved me. It doesn't seem like you have because of how fucked up I am. But I have changed. You know I have--"

"Jai I haven't got time for this--"

"Wait please let me finish" She rolled her eyes and nodded for me to go on..

"Okay I know I'm not the best person in the world and I know I'm far from perfect but you have given me so many chances and I appreciate it so much. You don't realize how much I care about you and noticing you falling in love with my fucking twin is fucking heart breaking and you're the only light I have ever known and I can't live without you. You can't leave me like this, with no goodbye, no explanation, nothing. Imagine how that feels Lou. It's fucking dreadful and it makes me go insane. I know you don't feel the same way and you're all loved up with Luke, but what if the baby is mine? I have a right to try and be a good father. Loving you has kept me alive and I'm not ready to give you up, or this little one. I could not be the father, it could be Luke's but then I would be an uncle, and a kid needs an uncle, and I would be a great uncle, at least I will try my very damn hardest to be a great father or uncle. Please Louise Scott. Don't leave me.

I'm begging you Louise, just please don't leave me"

Not So Innocent | Jai Brooks. AUWhere stories live. Discover now