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The next morning I was woken up by Daniel waving his hand in my face, calling my name.

I'm so not a morning person.

"Okay, okay! I'm up!" I groaned and swung my legs over the bed. My feet touching the warm fluffy carpet.

"So, how long do you take to get ready?" Daniel chuckled, "what are you implying?" I giggled. "Well, you're a girl so you're bound to take hours!" Daniel sighed! "I do not take hours thank-you very much! Well, about one?" I giggled, causing Daniel to chuckle too.


"Hiya you two!" Jane smirked as if she was saying 'I know what you've done' when in actual fact we just drank beer and shoved pizza in our gobs!

"Hi" I smiled and carried on walking to my locker.

"Sooo, are you okay if you go back to yours tonight? It's only cause' I've got a few mates round. I can cancel if you want?" Daniel cared so much which was so adorable, wish I could say the same for Jai.

Although he is very, very protective.

"No, I'll be fine! You go have fun!" I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Okay!" He grinned and gave me a quick hug.

"See ya round" He called. I smiled and waved.

"Oh, Louise! Just the person I wanted to see" I turned around to find the boss. Great, I'm clearly in trouble!

"So, Miss Scott" Mr Davis sat down and intwined his hands together.

"Okay, Louise. I just wanted to talk to you about Jai". Well since he's gone. You have no one really to look after. He was your main patient so I was thinking. Maybe you could have your days off. Only until he's back of course.."

So he wants me to have everyday off for how long? Until Jai comes back. What if he never comes back and I have no job. Fabulous.

"So what happens if he doesn't return?" I ask raising my eye brows.

"Okay, let's say three weeks off? You'll still get paid" He smiled.

So I stay at home for three whole weeks, doing what I want and get paid? Yes please!

"Okay then!" I smiled, "Okay, well we will see you in a few weeks!" He shook my hand like some kind of deal.

This is going to be fun.

But then there's Jai.


I was walking down the road, in
view of my house. I really didn't want to go home.

I slowly unlocked the door. Pushing it open so I could see though a gap. So far so good.

"I've been expecting you" I heard his deep aussie accent lingering behind me. I spun around, nearly tripping over on Jai's shoes. To find an intrigued Jai.

"Erm, hi?" I awkwardly swayed side to side. "Where did you go?" He asked, sitting on the stairs. "Daniel's" I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear me.

"Daniel? The one from your work?!" His voice shook.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I asked, putting my bag down and kicking my shoes off.

"Well. He knows me. He knows I've escaped!" Jai shouted slamming his hand in the kitchen unit.

"So? That's all he knows. I haven't told him you're staying at mine!" I shouted back. He gets me so annoyed.

"Okay!" Jai sighed. "What did he say about your cheek?" He sniggered.

"He thought James did it" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Ha, oops" Pure sarcasm playing in his words.



She made me so fucking angry. Why the fuck couldn't she just tell me in the first place?

Why Carol?

She knows me like the back of her hand. So I've got to stop her before she says too much.

But first I need answers.

Answers from Louise. That I'm very unlikely going to get.

Time to come up with a plan.

Not So Innocent | Jai Brooks. AUWhere stories live. Discover now