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We both sat there as tears streamed down our faces. That's the first time he's ever opened up to me.

He sat there with his hands covering his face, gently sobbing. I can't help but feel sorry for him, but he killed Carols baby. His own baby. Why?!

"So, is that why you had to move to Melbourne?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear me, like a loud whisper.

He faintly nodded and removed his hands from his face. "I'm so sorry" He tried his best to smile but I knew it was fake.

I got up and went into the garden, I needed some fresh air, felt like I was going to be sick. "Louise" Jai called after me. "Do you hate me?" He asked as a salty tear ran down my cheek.

This boy has caused me every emotion to ever feel, yet I can't help but forgive him.

"I don't hate you, it's just...I don't know" My breathing hitched from the crying.

"Look, if I could take all the pain away that I've caused you, I would. But I can't.

I didn't mean for all of this to happen, I just fell for you and now this is where it's got me" He gasped for air as if it's the last time he's going to breathe.

"Can I have a hug?" He asked, I smiled and nodded. He practically ran toward me and engulfed me into a huge hug. His cologne filling my nose, he's perfect.

Wait, why am I saying this about him? He put my best friend in hospital, he's killed his own son. He's bound to do something to me, he already has!

We both pulled away from the hug and just smiled at each other.

"So, what happens next?" I asked, walking back inside, rubbing my hands together as it was quite chilly outside.

"I don't know, maybe I should just run away. Kill myself? I don't know" "Don't be so stupid Jai!" I shouted, kill himself? Great.

"Well, what should I do?" "Hand yourself back into the asylum?" I suggested. "No way, I am not going back there. They can fuck themselves! I am not going back there in a million years!" Jai shook his head. "Well, you got any other ideas?!" I shouted getting impatient.

"I've got somethings to take care of first. Then I'll go back" A smirk appeared on his lips. "What ever" I mumbled, knowing that he is going to do something, that involves murder.

I'll just have to try and stop him before it's too late, or I'll have to warn is victim, who ever that may be.

"What do you need to take care of then?" I questioned. "I can't tell you, sorry" Jai smirked. So I have to tell him everything and he tells me next to nothing? "Why not? Do I know what you're going to do but oblivious to it?" "What do you mean?" He asked. God did this boy go to school?

"Doesn't matter" I sighed. "Look, you don't have to be worried. It's not about you" He smiled, before smirking as if it was about me.

"Just fucking tell me or I'll hand you into the asylum!" I shouted, even though I wouldn't. It was a threat.

"You wouldn't dare!" He said sternly. "Try me" I teased picking up my phone. Why do I do this? I get him so aggravated, tease him yet I wonder why he hurts me?

"Put the god damn phone down now!" He was now stood up from his previous seat. "I swear to fucking god, if you ring then I will end you" His words replayed in my head. I froze from what I was doing - pretending to phone the mental institute.

"Louise fucking Scott put the fucking phone down" He made his was over to me and slammed my wrists up near my head, causing me to drop the phone. "You need to start fucking listening, or else you'll have to pay" His harsh words caused a warm salty tear slide down my cheek.

"I'm sorry" Jai smiled as he realised his grip on me, but didn't move so I was still stuck between the wall and his muscular body, in other words - trapped.

He leaned in and started kiss me passionately, not thinking I kissed him back, and I'm glad I did.

"I want you" He mumbled breaking the intimate kiss. I slowly nodded and he slowly pulled my top over my head. Great in the lounge, why not.

He slipped his top over his head and continued to kiss me, he slipped my jeans off, along with his too. Leaving us in our underwear.


"Wow that was intense" We both flopped down on the sofa.

My day goes from crying, shouting, crying and now left with me being exhausted.

"You're good'' Jai smirked, causing me to slightly blush, "Thanks, I guess?" I chuckled, standing up and pulling my underwear and clothes back on. Ew I need a shower.

"I'm going for a shower and then I'm going to visit James" I frowned, remembering his lifeless body, with tubes and wires hanging out of every inch of his body. I'm mental, sleeping with someone who is capable of doing such a cruel thing.

Guess I will just have to try and stop falling head over heels for him...

Not So Innocent | Jai Brooks. AUWhere stories live. Discover now