Episode 11: The Person I Like

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Anzu wakes up in her bed. Feeling horrible. The night before, she came back home past midnight. That was the first time she stayed up that late for a non-gaming related reason. Development.

Anyway, back to the present. Anzu felt really weird. Her head was throbbing and her body was aching. Especially at her stomach.

Someone then knocked on the door.

"Anzu," Tsukasa called from the other side. "It is 2pm. Come down and have something."

"Coming!" She called. She pulled away the sheets only to find a surprise. A very red one.

On her bed was blood. She felt it on her pants. The only logical answer was that she is on her period.

"You can go down, I will come." Anzu called.

"Why?" Tsukasa asked, "Did something happen."

"JUST GO DOWN!!" Anzu screamed.

"Just tell me what happened!" Tsukasa reasoned.

"Fine... The kool aid has returned."

"What kool aid?? Just tell me!"

"You idiot! I am on my period!!"

"Oh... Well, just stay there and change. I will bring something for you to eat."

"Thanks. And sorry I got mad."

"No problem."

Tsukasa went down while Anzu changed. When he got down, Junta came up to him.

"Where is Anzu?" Junta asked in a worried tone.

"In her room." Tsukasa replied.

"She is still sleeping? Is she ok? What happened?"

"She got her period."

"Oh..." Junta was taken aback, "Thank god that she is ok."

"What did you expect?" Tsukasa asked, half amused, "Some ghost from under her bed has kidnapped her."

Junta chucked a little. He then replied.

"I thought she was sick." Junta replied sheepishly.

Tsukasa then went to the fridge and got something's for Anzu. He also got her breakfast. After that, he went back up to Anzu's room to find her sleeping peacefully. Face under the covers. He wonders out loud.

"How did you sleep so fast?" He said as he walked past her bed and placed the food on her plate. "I have only been gone 10 minutes here and you are here sleeping like a log! It's a stupid but incredible talent at the same time.

No response.

He then went to the window and pulled the blinds shut and then came back to Anzu's bed side and needled down.

Then, out of nowhere, Tsukasa said the four words that he would never expect to say. Well, not in the setting he is in at the moment.

" Anzu, I like you." The minute the last word left mouth he felt his face grow hot. He started to worry. Did she hear him? What would she think. Why would he confess to a woman while she is asleep? He then remembers that Anzu was sleeping like a log and she probably didn't notice. Probably.

He then leaves the room and closes the door carefully behind him so he won't wake Anzu up.

But little did he know, Anzu was awake, trying not to react to that horrible excuse of a confession that came out of her crush's mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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