Chapter 27

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"Are you sure no one will notice?" I ask, worriedly stumbling behind Loki as he leads me through the market in the village near the palace. It's crowded, busy, and chaotic. The place is buzzing like a beehive, and I have trouble to decide where to look first. Theres everything - from fishermen selling their freshly caught fish, tailors praising their cloaks and tunics to more obscure things like the old man that is carving otherworldly creatures out of white bones and a girl about my age dressed in colorful clothes performing what looks like some kind of magic everytime a little bronze coin is being dropped into her hat.

"No." Loki assures me. "As long as you stick close to me, no one will notice us." I think it's funny how he sais 'us' as if whole Asgard knew me and would instantly recognize me and not Loki, who is the prince of this place. "What?" Loki stops, and I bump into him when he abruptly stops to turn to me. I can't see his face under the hood of his cloak, but I know he has one eyebrow raised at the giggle that has escaped my lips. "Nothing." I smile, forgetting that he can't see it.

When he first handed me the simple cloak and told me to hide my face under the hood, I was concerned that we'd stand out, but Loki was right - this was the perfect disguise. There were so many strange creatures and people, we blended perfectly with the rest of the village. "Hmm." I can hear his grin when he humms as he turns around and keeps walking. I stop him at a small stand with foreign looking fruits. My eyes are wide as I look at the rich colours.

"What are those?" I ask Loki, stunned. I should have known that plants would be different here than they are on earth, but I never really thought about it. Now, the foreign shapes and colours are blowing my mind. "Those are fruits." "I know." I roll my eyes. "Then why'd you ask?" Loki chuckles, knowing exactly what I mean and smirking to himself. "You know what I mean." I whine and poke his side. He pokes back and when I'm busy poking him again, he gives the salesman a little coin and gets a little parchment bag in return.

I curiously try to peek inside but Loki quickly stashes it away somewhere in his cloak, chuckling playfully when I poke his side again. "What did you buy?" "Fruits." He laughs when my finger pokes him again at that dissatisfying answer. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me away from the stand, holding my hands to my sides so I can't poke him anymore. "I will show you -" My eyes lighten up and I look at him expectantly. "Later."

He ditches my next attempt to poke him and takes off towards another row of stalls. I hear his laughter as I chase after him. Seeing the black fabric of his cloak vanishing in the mass of people, he suddenly is gone. Huffing and rolling my eyes, I slow down, wandering in the direction where he had vanished only moments ago. I turn around a corner and suddenly find myself in a less crowded space. It looks like the end of the market and there's hardly anyone around.

I start wondering if my eyes had betrayed me and it wasn't Loki's cloak I had seen when I thought he vanished behind that corner, when I suddenly hear his familiar chuckle. One moment later, I feel myself being pressed against the back of a stall. A large smile spreads on my face before I stab my finger in his side and poke him again.

Dark, rumbling laughter erupts from his throat before he catches my arms and pinns them to my sides to prevent me from any further poking as he pulls off my hood to pull me into a passionate kiss that has my eyes fluttering close. Every thought about being seen or recognized is washed away by the earth-shattering passion that lies within this kiss.

I don't even notice that Loki teleports us away as I give in to his sinful advance, indulging in this display of affection by pressing myself into him and opening my lips the slightest bit for his curious tongue. An arm wraps around me, and I feel his other hand tangle in my hair, coaxing me to open my eyes. Our eyes lock, and I can't bring myself to look away. His gaze is intense, burning with desire, ferocity, and love that has my knees buckling.

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