Chapter Sixty Five

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Theo Nott flew across the corridor.

"I warned you!"

"I- I don't know what you're talking about." Theo stammered as he desperately searched the floor for his wand.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! Who knows if he'll have any damage from what you did to him!" Peter said furiously.

"W-What are you talking about?" Theo sputtered finally finding his wand. As he raised his wand his hands began to shake.

"My cousin you good for nothing piece of trash." Peter spat. Theo fired a spell at Peter and missed his target by a mile. By now the commotion had gained attention. Many students were headed their way with Draco ahead of the pack.

"I had nothing to do with what ever happened to your cousin." Theo said trying to stay calm.

"I know that beverage that Lucas nicked from Slughorn was from you. Admit it! Admit you were working on Voldemort's orders!"

"You are officially off your rocker. I have nothing to do with the Dark Lord or that beverage." Theo said deceitfully.

"If you're not working for him, then you wouldn't mind rolling up your left sleeve." Peter dared. Theo swallowed hard and aimed another spell at Peter.

"Whatever happened to your cousin was an unfortunate accident."

"You want to see an unfortunate accident." Peter said raising his wand at Theo. Draco jumped in front of Theo.

"Let's not lose our heads here." He said.

"Why are you protecting that vile creature?" Peter spat.

"I'm trying to stop you from going too far. This isn't you Peter." Draco said trying to reason with him.

"He poisoned Lucas!"

"And taking it out on Theo won't solve anything." Draco stated.

"What is going on here?" McGonagall demanded pushing her way through the crowd with several of the other professors in tow. Theo got to his feet shakily with the help of one of his cronies.

"Nothing, I was just leaving." Peter said calmly.

"You will do nothing of the sort. Dumbledore's office, now!" McGonagall ordered.

"I will, but first I'm going to get my lawyer." Peter stated.

"Lawyer?" She said confused.

"Well I know it's going to be a toxic environment and the adults who are supposed to remain impartial won't be so that is why I'm going to get my lawyer." Peter answered.

"I'm the head of your house, I'm not going to be impartial." Mcgonagall protested.

"Trust me, after what you hear what they have to say you're going to be. That's why I need a lawyer." Peter said and with that he headed to the hospital wing in search of the one person who knew had to remain calm in an intense situation.

When Peter arrived at the hospital wing he walked straight up to Remus who was standing there awkwardly not knowing why he was there. Peter let out a sigh and cleared his throat.

"Uncle Remus, I need your help." He said hesitantly.

"What happened this time? Please tell me I don't need to help you bury a dead body." Remus muttered only loud enough for Peter to hear.

"Surprisingly it's not that. I kind of need an adult who I could trust to think rationally. Especially after the incident that just happened." Peter said uncomfortably.

"What did you do?"

"I kind of almost put Nott in the hospital wing." Peter said a moment too soon. When he saw Remus' reaction he turned around to see Theo being escorted in. Theo saw Peter and face went white.

"Keep that monster away from me." He said terrified. Everyone in the hospital wing turned around to see what was going on.

"Peter, when you said you didn't want me to be an accomplice to something is this what you meant?" Harry inquired.

"Uh, possibly." Peter said. Remus rubbed his temples.

"I swear between you and your father I'm surprised that I'm still alive." He said exasperated. Remus took a deep breath and turned to Peter.

"You're going to need to explain to me everything and I mean everything. Is that clear?" Remus said firmly. Peter nodded.

Peter spent the walk over to Dumbledore's office explaining everything to Remus.

"Why do I feel like I've been transported back to the seventies? This is something that your father would do not you, Peter." Remus said disappointed.

"I was just... I guess I got carried away." Peter said.

"And you've wondered why you were put in Gryffindor."

"Look uncle Remus, I need someone who's going to be on my side here."

"I will defend you as best as I can." Remus said. When they came to Dumbledore's office Peter guessed one of the many passwords. As they entered the office they heard arguing.

"That boy has been an absolute menace since he got here, he should be expelled!" Snape said angrily.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Severus." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Of course the boy would choose him to try to weasel his way out of trouble." Snape said in disgust.

"That's enough, Severus." Mcgonagall said strongly.

"That boy nearly killed one of my students, he should be expelled."

"Typical snivellus." Peter muttered.

"Peter if you want me to defend you, you need to keep quiet." Remus said in a harsh whisper.

"How could you defend him? He nearly killed a student." Snape repeated.

"I remember not to long ago of a case, where a student tried to prank another only for it to back fire and someone nearly got mauled by a werewolf. If it wasn't for another student's intervention someone would've been killed. I do not recall anyone getting expelled over the matter." Remus said coolly. By now Snape's face was fifty shades of purple. He pursed his lips. Remus just stood there with a satisfied look on his face. The two of them glared at each other until McGonagall cleared her throat.

"He does have a valid point." She admitted.

"You're siding with them." Snape said sourly.

"Just because you and Sirius have had your share of petty squabbles doesn't mean you should be taking it out on his son." Mcgonagall said.

"Now that we got that out of the way we need to discuss punishment for his reckless behavior."

"So what's the verdict?" Harry inquired when Peter finally made it back to the common room later that evening.

"Three months worth of detention with Filch and lines with McGonagall." Peter replied plopping down on the couch in front of the fireplace.

"I thought they'd expel you." Ron said.

"Well I had a really good lawyer." Peter said knowing full well that he was never going to spend a second in detention.

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