Chapter 52 - Miz x Devin

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Since months later... Miz is 19. And still blackmails of course. At the moment, he was laying on the couch in the living area staring at a file whom he had dirt on a person. In the six months, Sarah had gotten with a young man her age which was perfect for her. His name is Baylor. But, with that, it meant that Miz was the only person in the entire family... whom had no lover. But he didn't care. He was too busy, he always insisted of course. Miz read through the file he collected up and then he grinned. He stood up quickly and grabbed the file. Normally, he'd tell one of his cousins but they were too busy with their own lovers. So Miz put the file in his bag and he left. He went down the ladder and started for the village. But before he got far, his father happened. Zane, Melio's younger brother, if you recall at all, married Xavier, Nikzander's son and they adopted Miz when he was 2. Zane glared at Miz.
"Where do you think you are going?" Zane asked. Miz quickly turned to his dad for help. Xavier was normally soft on Miz but not that day. Xavier was sitting at a log bench with a glare. Miz frowned and turned to Zane. Zane walked up to Miz and grabbed his arm. He dragged him to Xavier and made him sit beside him. Miz sat nervously. He was nervous because as Zane made him walk to where he is now, he noticed that all of his family was out of sight. Which meant Xavier and Zane could yell at him. Miz looked at Xavier slowly. Xavier was making food.
"Miz, can I see your bag?" Xavier asked nicely as he flipped a pot. Miz looked at Xavier nervously again.
"Why?" Miz started.
"Yes or no, Miz." Zane said strictly. Miz frowned and he looked at his bag. He didn't answer.
"Give it to your father." Xavier said. Miz gulped and he slowly moved the bag towards Zane with his foot.
"Miz, we get that you are making money. But you are not doing it in a good way." Xavier said as he turned to Miz. Miz's eyes were glued to his bag. Zane grabbed the bag and opened it. He pulled out the folder which Miz had previously. But then he pulled out a bigger folder. Miz's heart dropped. Zane set the bag to the side and he looked at the small folder. He opened it up.
"Maybe you should try to get a job? You'll get to make money. Or start your own business." Xavier spoke calmly. Zane read through the file and he glanced up at Miz. Miz's ears fell and he quickly turned to Xavier.
"Why the fuck do Zion or Xiromi get to do bad things for money and not me?" Miz complained in anger. Xavier tilted his head.
"They both pickpocket from rich people who have wrong people. They do wrong things for the right reasons." Xavier explained.
"You, on the other hand? You are targeting people who suffer from wronging rich people. It's as if you work for the people who do bad shit to hurt others for no reason." Zane explained strictly, holding up the small folder. Miz looked at the folder.
"It's impossible to blackmail rich people though! They are like protected big time." Miz complained.
"Then no blackmailing." Zane said. Miz scoffed.
"It's the only thing I am good at." Miz laughed. And then Zane tossed the small folder into the fire. Miz's eyes widened.
"HEY!" Miz screamed. Xavier didn't like his reaction. It's made him start to go soft. Miz stood up. Zane looked at the big folder. The big folder contained hundreds of other names which Miz could blackmail. Zane picked the folder up.
"Blackmailing is dangerous. One day you'll blackmail the wrong people and get in danger. And you won't be able to asked any one for help without getting them in danger either." Zane said before he tossed the folder into the fire. Miz started to shake as he watched hours and hours of work burn. He looked at Zane.
"Fuck you!" Miz said strictly. Zane looked down slowly. Xavier stood up and grabbed Miz's arm.
"Mizzy, don't—" Xavier started. Miz pushed Xavier back to the log. Xavier's eyes widened.
"Let me just go be like Vixxy or the triplets and live normally while everyone else just lives life how they want!" Miz screamed sarcastically before he walked to his bag, grabbed it while glaring at Zane, and he went to his room. Xavier started to cry. He covered his mouth in shock. Zane quickly stood up and comforted Xavier. And a little bit afterwards, Nikzander and Neo went to comfort him too. Miz went back to his room. Sure, that was a lot of names that were burned. But he has hundreds of more. He grabbed another file and took a quick look at it before he climbed out his window, silently climbed down the tree, and left to the village. He read through the file some more as he walked to the village. When he arrived to the village, he started for the location. Which was a bigger home near the markets. He walked up to the door with a nice smile. He knocked twice and the door opened a little later. A man.
"Hello?" The man said.
"Mr Mike Delio?" Miz asked.
"Speaking." Mike, the man said. Miz smiled.
"Nice to meet you. I wanted to talk to you about a bank robbery a year ago which lost nearly 1 million Zenos which you and your wife Lilith Delio committed." Miz spoke happily. The man's confusion immediately turned to anger. He stepped out of the house and shut the door.
"Ah, so we are on the same understanding." Miz grinned.
"What the duck do you want?" Mike asked strictly. Miz smiled happily.
"I want 1000 zeno bills in the next week otherwise I'll have to give off an anonymous tip to the sheriff about a one Mike Delio and a one Lilith Delio being responsible for a robbery." Miz said nicely.
"1000?! You are unreasonable! This is a trade!" Mike screamed.
"Oh no... oh no no, Mr Delio. This is a blackmail." Miz said with a grin. Mike immediately frowned.
"Anyways, see you in a week Delio." Miz said before he waved goodbye. Mike was angry.

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