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Here are the warnings or themes for this story. If any of these warnings are not for you or they may trigger you, then please click back and don't read this story.

1) This is a male/male romance fiction.
2) It's an alpha×alpha story.
3) This is a Top: Seokjin and Bottom: Namjoon fanfic.
4) Yes, there will be smut and I will try my best to write it because this will be my first time writing smut. And it will have explicit language and swearing.
5) Since this is a mafia story, there will be violence and murder, some graphic and some not so graphic.
6) Some mentions of sexual harassment and rape but it won't be anything graphic and it will be in the past, not at all between the main couple. There will be sexual harassment in the actual story too but it will not happen between the main couple or any other side couples.
7) Dubious consent because this is a alphaxalpha story and alphas tend to be rough when they have sex because they don't want to submit at first. So, sometimes it may seem like there is a little consent issue, but actually there is consent or they will say "NO" explicitly.
8) Some slurs will also be there.
9) This story will have explicit language.

Main pairing:
Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin(Namjin)
There will be side pairing but I haven't thought about who will be paired with who. I will write about it when the story progresses. Just think of it as a mystery you all will unravel.

I think these warnings will be sufficient. But if there there are any additional warnings, I will mention it on top of that specific chapter. Please heed the warnings.

And please vote and comment. I know I didn't start writing the story but comment if you like the description of this story and if you all want me to continue writing it. Your votes and comments will give me motivation and creative ideas for this fanfic.

Stay healthy and happy.
- Liza

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