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Namjoon almost rolled his eyes after seeing his smirk. Namjoon likes self-assured people. But, Seokjin's self assuredness is on a whole different level that it has become cockiness. They were seated opposite each other, on two sofas with their key members standing behind them.

"So, can we get down to business?", Namjoon asked in a no-nonsense manner.

"How old are you, Namjoon-ssi? You look younger than me.", Seokjin wondered. "I don't know how my age is relevant to our meeting, but for your information, I am 28.", Namjoon replied.

"Oh, you really are younger than me. Call me hyung then. I am 32.", Seokjin said.
"We are in America. We don't really need to maintain Korean etiquette. I don't know how your group works, but in our group, everyone had to earn their place to call me hyung or a nickname. Even my key members had to earn their place to call me something other than 'Sir' or 'Boss'. And we aren't close at all, Seokjin-ssi. Up until yesterday, we were rivals. So, I will call you hyung when you earn it. But, till then, I will call you Seokjin.", Namjoon said with a finality in his voice.

Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook almost snickered and Yoongi and Taehyung widen their eyes. They know Seokjin is used to people licking his boots, not the disrespect. More so, from someone who is younger than him. Yoongi didn't really want Seokjin to lunge at Namjoon and start a fight. And even though, Taehyung really wanted to kill the other alpha for disrespecting his hyung, he didn't dare do so. Because Seokjin hates someone else interfering without his explicit orders.

Seokjin's expression tightened, jaw clenched, from the utter disrespect from the younger alpha. Seokjin almost growled at the lack of respect. He was surprised at the fucking audacity of Kim Namjoon. Seokjin had the sudden urge to bend Namjoon over his knee and spank him till the other alpha was crying and begging. Seokjin hates disrespect.

The whole room is thick with Seokjin's angry pheromones. The members from both groups were squirming from the sheer power of the pheromones.

Namjoon was really surprised by the strength of Seokjin's pheromones. His pheromones are even stronger than Namjoon's own. He knew that he had angered the older alpha, but it's just his ethics and rules. He won't bow to Seokjin's every whim. He is an alpha too. Namjoon knew Seokjin was trying to make him submit through his pheromones. Even though Namjoon had the sudden urge to bare his neck for the alpha, in show of his submission, he just clenched his teeth, refusing to submit to Seokjin.

"Leave us. I want to talk to Namjoon alone.", Seokjin ordered. Namjoon was surprised and a little intimidated by the order. He at least expected Hoseok and Yoongi to stay with them, as they are their right hand men. But, nevertheless, he nodded at his group to follow the order. Everyone, except Seokjin and Namjoon, left the room, closing the heavy wooden door.

"I don't like being disrespected, Namjoon. You should remember that.", Seokjin said seriously. "And I don't change my rules and ethics for anyone, Seokjin.", Namjoon replied, raising his eyebrows. Seokjin's eyes twitched at the mention of his name, when he explicitly told Namjoon to call him hyung. But, he didn't say anything about that. He knew Namjoon will come around. If Namjoon wants him to earn the title, then he will do it.

"You wanted to talk about business. Let's talk business.", Seokjin said. 'Finally!!', Namjoom thought.

"As the leader of the Silver Serpents, I want to ask for a partnership between both of our groups.", Namjoon said. "And why do you think I will accept your request?! I have contacts all over the world. Why do you think I need you and your group?", Seokjin asked.

"It's your decision, Seokjin. I am not here to beg you. I am here to propose a partnership. If you don't want to accept it, then so be it. But, for your information, it will be very easy for Alexei Ivanov to take out our groups one by one. I am sure you have heard that his influence is no joke.", Namjoon said calmly.

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