Chapter Five

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The sun's bright rays slip through the white blinds of Shade's current room at The Black Water Inn, the room is basked in a pleasant warm glow giving him the perfect amount of light without needing to turn on the overhead light or a lamp. Shade's mask sits face up on the pale wooden table in front of him half hidden by his open laptop, he types away at the keys ignoring the sound of construction below him and the occasional ping of an incoming notification from his laptop.

Shade has been keeping a low profile for the better part of a week, he's been moving between some of his safe houses and staying at The Black Water Inn for the most part yet he itches to do something. He wasn't used to staying idle for long periods usually when he didn't have work to do Shade would spend time working on a new invention or try building new weapons but he couldn't do that here. While at The Black Water Inn, he would distract himself with different side jobs like weeding the front yard or cleaning the rooms after checkouts just to keep his hands busy. 

It worked for a while but eventually, Shade found himself going crazy, he couldn't stand still no matter how much he tried to will himself to, his hands shook with the need to get back out on the field, he desperately craved the feeling of the heavy gun in his hand and the adrenaline that followed it.

'I wonder if they have any updates on Makarov' Shade checks their military system and gives an amused laugh at their attempt at upping the security of the system. It took a few seconds longer than he needed to enter but Shade wanted to test the security software.

'Still needs some work' Shade tuts as bypasses the security system he checks the most recent audio transcripts and missions documented but doesn't find any current information about ongoing missions or intel on Makarov. Shade sighs annoyed as he leans back in his chair, his fingers lightly tapping against the bottom of his laptop as he tries to determine what he should do next.

'I could reach out to Laswell, she might have information that hasn't been documented yet, or maybe General Shepard...' Shade sighs again and shakes his head lightly, another ping from his computer gets his attention. He clicks on the little message box notification without really thinking it through. A chat message software opens within a few seconds and shows a chat between Shade and Laswell.

"Speaking of the devil.." He mumbles, Shade scrolls up through hundreds of unread, unresponded messages until he gets to the top.

Laswell: We are holding a small funeral at the butterfly garden at 1600 for Captain Jackson. You're coming right? Laura and I can pick you up. (Unread)

Laswell: I didn't see you at the funeral, I know you're taking this pretty hard just know Laura and I are here if you need to talk. (Unread)

Laswell: Take as much time as you need Kaven, We'll all be here when you come back. (Unread)

Laswell: It's been a few months since I've heard from you. Since anyone heard anything from you. Are you okay? (Unread)

There were a few more messages all saying the same thing, Shade scrolls down to the more recent ones.

Laswell: There haven't been any signs of you in a year, Laura, the team, and I are still waiting for you. (Unread)

Laswell: Everyone's worried Kaven (Unread)
Laswell: Please read the messages, You don't have to respond just give us a sign that you are still with us (Unread)

Shade stops reading the message as his eyes have gone blurry, he wipes away the tears before his hands hover over the keyboard. The little line blinks on the screen waiting patiently for the message to be typed, he tries a few times to write a few words but nothing sounds right no matter how he tries to word it. The message flickers over to read but with a few clicks, he's able to change it back to unread, along the side a few more names load up with unread messages ninety-nine plus messages stare back at him from the notification bar but Shade can't bring himself to write or read more. 

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