Chapter 1

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Alyssa's POV

As the man opened the truck door, light flooded inside the small and hot vehicle, making me groan with discomfort. 

I could sense the excitement in his voice as he spoke, "Rise and shine, Ladies! Aren't you guys excited to have a master?" 

His words were laced with malicious joy, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. As he turned to me, his eyes glittered with an unsettling gleam. "Or a new master?" he added with a wicked smile, sending chills down my spine.

All of the girls rose to their feet and lined up in a single file, their faces filled with a mixture of fear and anticipation. Our hearts were pounding loudly in their chests, and we knew that the day we had all been dreading for so long had finally arrived. The man in front of them smiled a false, sickly sweet smile, his eyes gleaming with a cruel glint.

"Now, we're all going to be nice, yes?" he asked, his voice dripping with false kindness. We all nodded, their eyes fixed on the ground.

"Good! Now, none of us will shift into our wolves, correct?" he continued, his voice growing more insistent.

"Yes, Sir," we replied in unison, their voices barely above a whisper.

"And we will not speak unless spoken to?" he asked, his eyes scanning the line of girls in front of him.

"Yes, Sir," we replied, our voices barely audible.

"And we will not resist, right?" he asked, his voice rising slightly.

"Yes, Sir," the girls replied, their eyes still fixed on the ground.

"Good! Let's go!" he said, clapping his hands together with a loud snap. We all fell into step behind him.

As we stepped out of the dim room, the bright sunlight hit us like a wave. Our eyes squinted as we tried to adjust to the sudden change in lighting. Looking around, we noticed that there was a long line of people waiting to buy us.

The air was thick with tension as we stood in that single file line, waiting for orders. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I could see the fear reflected in the eyes of those around me.

As the silence stretched on, I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen to us. It was then that I whispered, "Tempest? Are you there?"

For a moment, there was nothing but silence, and my anxiety grew. 

But then, barely audible, came the whisper of my wolf's voice. 


I breathed a sigh of relief. 

She was still with me, still fighting.

But my moment of comfort was short-lived. A man's voice suddenly cut through the stillness, and I froze. "Is that girl talking to her wolf?" he asked, and I knew without a doubt that I was in trouble.

But for some for some inexplicable reason, I felt drawn to the man who spoke.

"I don't know Sir," Master said, "But she is known to be rebellious. She is waiting to be rebought."

The man raised an eyebrow, his piercing gaze fixed on Sir. "Rebought?" he repeated, his tone betraying a hint of surprise.

Sir nodded, his face expressionless. "Yes, rebought. She's been sold once before, but the buyer returned her."

The man seemed to consider this for a moment before asking, "Age?"

"She's going to turn seventeen soon."

The man's eyes narrowed as he contemplated this information. "Do you know what her wolf is like?" he asked, his voice low and measured.

"Sandy colored, I think," Sir replied.

Suddenly, without another word, the man nodded decisively and said in a deep, commanding voice, "I'll take her." His words echoed ominously. 

I gasped in shock before I could stop myself, my mind racing with questions.

"Tempest?" I thought desperately, hoping for some guidance. "Do you know who this man is?"

I do, but it's not your time to know yet.

As I watched the man and the seller exchange words, my heart pounding in my chest, I felt as though I was caught in the middle of a high-stakes game that I didn't understand. And then, all too soon, I was ordered to follow my new master.

Trembling with fear and uncertainty, I nervously followed the man, my feet feeling heavy. I had a big lump in my throat, and I knew that my life would never be the same again.


Hey guys! Did you enjoy it? Was it interesting? Tell me your opinion!

Your question of the chapter:

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

See you next chapter!

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